Prosecution Argument

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    their evidence to discourage the government’s arguments. The Prime Minister will have five minutes to speak during the rebuttal and they will justify their position in their argument by supporting their topics and counter arguing the opposition’s topics. In other words, the rebuttal sets the final tone of the entire debate and it has the power to change the opinion of the judge. Not only is it persuasive but it is also the final counter argument. During this round it is highly pertinent that

    Words: 507 - Pages: 3

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    Ontological Argument

    ontological argument as an a priori proof for the existence of God. (18) Ontology is the branch of philosophy that explores the whole concept of existence. Sometimes scientist have to assume that something exists in reality in the physical world even if they have never come across an example of it, because a combination of factors indicate that there must be X, even if we have not found it yet, in order to explain other things. The ontological argument for the existence of God is an a priori argument, working

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    “the Ontological Argument Doesn’t Prove Anything” to What Extent Do You Agree?

    The Ontological argument is a debate created by St. Anselm and his book, Proslogian, this argument was created, as stated by Anselm, to re-inforce faith but not proves God’s existence, this is stated by Anselm as Proslogian is a supplementary prayer book. However the argument itself does border on trying to proves gods existence, this argument is as follows: God is a being that which no greater can be conceived, a being that exists in reality is better than one that just solely exists in the mind

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    What you need to know: Logic • • • You should know what the following are: proposition, argument, premise, conclusion, circular argument, conditional statement, antecedent, consequent. You should be able to give precise definitions of validity and soundness, and be able to evaluate whether an argument is valid or sound. You should be able to recognize the following forms of an argument, and know whether they are valid: Affirming the Antecedent (Modus Ponens), Denying the Consequent

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    respective merits and noting their respective drawbacks, always keeping an open mind and allowing your position to shift and gain nuance . Classically, an argument is not considered complete until the opposing positions are discussed, conceded to, and possibly refuted. In your Commonplaces Folder, you will gather articles that participate in arguments relevant to informed, democratic citizens. This ongoing collection will provide material, background knowledge, and perspective on current events, an

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    happiness * Looking at the hedonic calculus 7 measures how they fit in category? Benefit society how? * Summarise back to the question yes utilitarian then see its good moral decision say it’s good considering all views 3rd paragraph Counter argument * However, doesn’t look at the minority? * How can utilitarian use the hedonic calculus to make a decision? It doesn’t look what else can happen from the action u do. More death threats for the country etc. * Subjective * Summarise

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    Outline the Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God (21 Marks)

    Outline the cosmological argument for the existence of God (21 marks) The cosmological argument aims to prove the existence of God whilst also providing an explanation for the beginning of the universe, with different views coming from various scholars. It is an a posteriori argument, meaning we can draw conclusions from experiences based on what we see around us, although it is not a fact. Despite the separate interpretations, the cosmological argument revolves around a first cause which started

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    believe in God though, I believe because after observing and living life on this planet for the past 20 years I have came to my own conclusion God exists. I feel life it self is too far too complex and diverse for there not to be one (The Teleological Argument). Just like how we know a car or a skyscraper was created by people because of the complexity of the creation so is the same logic I use when I defend the existence of God, after taking biology this year it only made my belief in a God stronger by

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    The Cosmological Argument: Whether The Universe Has A Cause

    The Cosmological argument says that the universe began to exist, therefore the universe has a cause. Magic is more believable than even believing that something just appeared with no cause whatsoever. If something begins existing, there has to be a cause. However, there is an argument to this statement. Has the universe always existed or did it simply one day begin? Atheists believe that the universe has always been here and that there’s nothing to it. This theory is shot down a lot due to extensive

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    Problem Statement

    fearing a loss of authority and support. Scattergood thinks that because his organisation is constantly under pressure with tight deadlines to meet, he doesn’t have time to let employees join in the decision making process. Scattergood ‘s arguments : 1. He believes that participation would not work in his organisation 2. Scattergood is afraid of losing his authority if he gives his employees a chance to share in the decisions made in his organisation. 3. He believes if he disagreed

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