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    Pauls Epistle to Rome

    man kind aware of our sin. (Rom: 7:7) Paul explains the “wages” of sin is death, separation from our creator forever and that without salvation (next section) we are slaves to sin. However, Paul points out that through Christ we are no longer slaves to sin and are instead slaves to Christ.  Perhaps most important to a Christian world view, Paul discusses salvation and the means by which humans are to obtain it. Paul is clear that the law is not sufficient to save one from sin. This is not to say

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    Bible Worldview Essay

    Essay Ashley Feser Bible 110 Liberty Universyity Online Since the garden we have a natural inclination to sin, which tragically separates us from the God of Love. The Bible is clear that we cannot make ourselves righteous or earn salvation. Left to ourselves we are hopeless, but God made a way: “Immanuel” Jesus Christ, the spotless lamb. It was God’s loving compassion that provided our means to pass through the needles eye, to receive deliverance through his Son Jesus Christ, who

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    Servant Evangelism In The Roman Road

    six different verses in the book of Romans. The Roman Road goes through the basic doctrine of the Christian faith. Most importantly The Roman Road method defines these four questions: who needs salvation, why we need salvation, how God provides salvation, how we receive salvation, and the result of salvation (Fairchild, 2015). Advantages of Using This Method – When using The Roman Road as an evangelism tool it comes with the advantage of convince. All the verses are located in one condensed area,

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    Justification, Sanctification and Salvation from God himself? God wants the world to know through him there is no condemnation through him you will have enteral life and that you are truly blessed. As you read Romans you will discover how God’s wrath is revealed to the Romans and the imputed of God’s grace and mercy and the solution to salvation. After read Romans you should be able to provide steps that you would take to achieve Justification, Sanctification and Salvation.

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    The Christian Life

    occasional and not systematic. “But in God’s providence, those situations are such that Paul ends up addressing issues of perennial theological significance.” [1] (Moo) One such issue is “The Christian Worldview:” our beliefs about creation, sin, salvation, eschatology, ethics, and theology. Creation “For the invisible things of Him [God] since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity” (Romans 1:20).

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    Gospel Message

    1. What are some ways the Christian gospel is perceived in our culture? There are several different views and beliefs of the Christian gospel. Some include: the Bible is a nice story but is just that a story; if I just say a Salvation prayer I am saved; if I treat others well and do good deeds I will get into Heaven; and, the Bible was written so long ago that it is not really relevant in today’s time; to just name a few. The Christian view of the gospel is one of good news. The gospel, in the

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    Method of Evangelism

    Hammer EVAN 101-B19 October 5, 2011 “Methods of Evangelism Paper” Part ONE - Evangelistic Method #1 - The “Intellectual Method” that I have chosen is the Roman road. The Roman Road method is a very simple method that utilizes seven verses of salvation taken from the book of Romans in the New Testament. While many people believe they will go to heaven because they have done charity work, been baptized as a child, attended church, or treated others fairly, the Bible declares that none of us can

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    Canterbury Tales

    ANALYSIS OF THE HOLY(!) CHURCH OF ENGLAND THROUGH THE CHAUCER’S PARDONER Chaucer uses the pardoner character in order to criticize the Church of England in the 14th century which was a wealthy, corrupt, dishonest and an unjust institution that was trying to maintain its position rather than providing spiritual leadership and guidance to the people. In the general prologue, the pardoner claims in his bag he has a pillowcase of Virgin Mary and a piece of sail that Saint Peter went on the sea. Then

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    Methods of Evangelism

    throughout the book of Romans. From this approach of evangelism, each of the verses are placed in a systematic method to show us who is in need of salvation, why they are in need of salvation, the way in which God will provide salvation, ways in which we can respond to God’s salvation, and finally the results of us responding to God’s gift of salvation. In Romans 3:10-12, and 23 its states “No one is righteous—not even one. No one is truly wise; no one is seeking God. All have turned away; all have

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    Methods of Evangalism

    Book of Romans to easily walk an unbeliever through the steps of salvation. Starting with Romans 3:10-12, 23 “As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one. There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”(NKJV) And working your way through seven or eight verses you can get an unbeliever from recognizing that they are a sinner in need of salvation to being saved to one who can be saved through the grace of God

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