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    get there! Which brings us to the all-important question; "So, I'm Born Again... NOW WHAT???" Well, here's the answer, the first thing we must understand is: Salvation Comes in Threes. There are three levels to salvation, each affecting a different part of your being at a different time in a different way. The Three Levels of Salvation are: (1) The Regeneration of the Spirit (2) The Restoration of the Soul (3) The Transfiguration of the Body In strictly biblical terms we call them: (1) Justification

    Words: 2015 - Pages: 9

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    The Providence Debate:

    providence it is referring to the way God governs the world. Does God really sit on His throne and dictate or rule the world? It is not surprising that there is some disagreement in the evangelical world concerning the control of God, His dealing with salvation especially as affected by Jesus and the freewill of mankind. Some theologians think that the three are in contradictory of each other. Are they really in conflict with each other’s or can all three exist in full scriptural belief without doing any

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    Sin Reflection

    that judgment for those who believe in Him. It is important to differentiate between the character of Christ and lifestyle issues. God's character is Love and He is patient and long-suffering with every sinner who is saying "Yes" to the plan of Salvation. However, the subject of God's Law is controversial among Christian Churches. The purpose for the Law that is far greater than many can realize. The law actually describes the characteristics of God and when we keep the laws we are living the

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    Methods of Evangelism Paper

    Evangelistic Method #1 The Romans Road to Salvation is my intellectual method in sharing the good news with people. What this method is, is a series of verses from the book of Romans, arranged in a clear and direct orders that is easy to share with others. There are several different orders the scriptures can be arranged in order to share God’s grace, however the end results are the same. 1. Everyone needs salvation because we have sinned. Romans 3:10-12, and 23. 2. The consaquence of sin is

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    Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    people can be seen in Edwards's sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." In this sermon he addressed the issues of man as a sinner, God's hate of sinners - wrath of God. Throughout the sermon he addressed the damnation of man, the process of salvation and redemption. He hammered at his congregation using guilt and fear for their souls. It is a moving and powerful sermon that would have put fear in my head if I was in attedance during this time. This sermon,

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    Methods of Evangelism

    Methods of Evangelism Romans Road Summary of Method – According to the About Christianity website, “The Romans Road lays out the plan of salvation through a series of Bible verses from the book of Romans. When arranged in order, these verses form an easy, systematic way of explaining the message of salvation.” (1) The Romans Road is the plan of salvation that we often use in our church and with our youth. The verses that we use include: Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8 and 10:9-10 & 13.   Advantages

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    Angelology and Satanology

    Angelology and Satanology ​One night while reading a book, a close friend of mine named Anna called me with specific questions pertaining to a television documentary that she was watching called “God vs. Satan.” She was concerned with the commonly wrong way that dualism and the idea that God and Satan are two eternal and equal forces struggling for all eternity. Her argument was that if this way of thinking were not true, then it must be that God created evil since it is well known that Satan

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    The Biblical Worldview

    The Natural World The opening verse of the Bible states, “In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. It goes on to explain how God added to the creation according to his creative decrees. One can imagine how beautiful the scene was once completed. If we take a look at today’s scenery it would be safe to assume that God is not pleased with the decline of creation. We see in the richest continent according to Craig Sorley, in Africa countless communities are facing environmental degradation

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    Gospel Necessity vs. Law Expediency

    There was no doubt about it, by most any standard Saul was good. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul describes himself likes this: if anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless. In short, Saul had all the credentials that you could ever ask

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    How Romans Shaped the Christian World

    is the prophesized Messiah and Son of God and that both Gentiles and Jews can experience salvation through Jesus. Paul’s argument in Romans is foundational to the Christian Worldview because it is systematic presentation of the Gospel that shows the way to salvation and covers a wide array of topics that are essential for a believer to understand and to live by. These topics include: creation, sin, salvation, eschatology, ethics, and theology. This essay will show what Paul teaches about these topics

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