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Submitted By fuzz07
Words 472
Pages 2
The Help, a recent 2011 drama film is the adaptation of Kathryn Stockett’s debut novel - The Help. The story expresses the story of black maids working for white homes in Jackson, Mississippi around the late 1960s and early 1970s. In this age before the American Civil Rights Movement, black women commonly held low wage employment such as cleaning, daycare, or maid service. A main protagonist, Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan is a young recently college educated white woman looking to advance her journalistic abilities. She gladly accepts a local newspaper housekeeping advice column called “Miss Myrna” to progress her journalistic experience toward greater positions. As Skeeter knows little about housekeeping, she turns to her local friend’s maid, Aibileen another main protagonist critical to the true narrative. Skeeter is characterized as very progressive for her time period, she can see the injustice and segregation in the country, and around her town that creates a disgusting, racist, and saddening society. She views her new friend, Mrs. Aibileen and her friendly associates as a miraculous caring median to attempt a change in society for the better.

Throughout our diverse readings we have dealt little with race relations in the community context of justice. The community itself however, has been a major fundamental principle of a successful and democratic system of justice. Platos – The Republic attempted to characterize and debate justice between scholarly individuals such as Socrates, Cephapus, Polemarchus, and Thrasymachus. Thrasymachus’s view of justice believed justice to be of a higher virtue, and injustice as being prudent and self-caring. I feel his ancient view is connectable to the Civil Rights period of 20th century America. Socrates’s expansion upon Thrasymachus’s ideal stated “a just person doesn’t do better than someone like himself, but someone

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