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Submitted By samirashid98
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A confused high school kid walked into a pharmacy. Looked around and saw the scrubs and lab coats placed ever so gracefully on the pharmacists and pharmacy technician’s shoulders. "That's what I wanna do when I grow up" I thought to myself. Mesmerized by the importance of a pharmacy I scurried home and applied online. Months went by and I didn't get a single phone call. All of a sudden in the middle of summer I got a phone call for a job interview.
I went in and filled out the necessary paperwork and the job was mine. On my first day of work I decided I would leave thirty minutes early just to get a feel of the place. I hopped in my car and took off. What happened next is a sign from god I should've taken seriously. A mile away from my destination I broke a stop sign and totaled my brand new car, but that didn't stop me. I got a ride from the police officer and went to work leaving my car completely abandoned and in the hands of the tow truck driver. Pharmacies are always busy. You always have to contact insurances, doctors, fill medication and that's when you're not taking care of customers. I was so accustomed to a lifestyle where I would lie in bed all day and watch reruns of friends or parks and recreation. Holding a job is hard, especially when you're selling hours of your life for eight dollars and twenty five cents an hour. I was only one month into that job when I realized that working in a pharmacy wasn’t all that luxurious, Most of the customers you deal with are either really old to the point where they can barely understand a word you’re saying, people who don’t speak english, and heroin or prescription pill addicts. It takes a certain amount of patience and toughness to hold this job. Being the new kid at the pharmacy, and the youngest, I was often given the jobs nobody liked. I was either standing in the drive thru or calling patients to

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