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A Greener Solution


Submitted By Delta7024
Words 1047
Pages 5
A Practical Solution? In today’s society it has become a social obligation to do our part in making the world a greener place. With the support of former politicians and celebrities alike the movement towards an environmentally friendly civilization has gained speed and it is now impossible to turn on the TV or listen to the radio without hearing about the next big plan that is going to save us from the certain doom that it is now believed we face because of global warming. One of the more recent innovations in the war against global warming is a new form of power plant called an Integrated Gasification Combined-cycle Facility. As Thomas Homer-Dixon describes in his article “Coal in a Nice Shade of Green” it “could allow us to build power plants that produce vast amounts of energy with virtually no carbon dioxide emissions in the air.” (502) The plant itself works by Converting some form of fossil fuel into a gas that is free of pollutants but produces large amounts of both hydrogen and carbon dioxide gas. The solution to containing these large amounts of carbon dioxide according to Dixon would be to pump them into underground chambers created by the excavation of oil and other minerals. Once there the gas could be stored for “millions of years” claims Dixon. (502) The hydrogen produced in this process would go towards fueling a breed of cars powered by this gas and would be the solution to the oil shortages, and the emissions problems that millions of cars on the road create. Even

recent studies in Canada have proven that this could be a viable method for creating pollution free energy. So why haven’t we heard more about this miracle solution in mainstream media. The simple answer is that it is not as effective, or clean, of an idea as Dixon would like you to believe. The process Dixon describes is also referred to as Carbon capture and storage and the

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