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An Ethical Dillema


Submitted By nickmacleod
Words 317
Pages 2
Ethical Dilemma – Samouel’s Greek Cuisine

Joshua has spent several hours researching his portion of his team project. His job is to collect secondary data. The conflicting information that Joshua has found is still considered secondary data even though it is not from a reputable firm. Secondary business data can be very helpful in determining the correct business path for a company to go in. The data, though conflicting should still be incorporated and explained in his research findings to his group. The data is from a government -sponsored website and may be very valuable.

Joshua should stay late and examine the quality of the data he has found on the conflicting website. He needs to look at the reliability and the validity of the data that is presented. Who is the information being provided through and how was it collected, and is it free from bias? What was the data in the study originally collected for and does that influence the outcome. The information is from a government sponsored website so there is some credibility in the source. I do not feel that Joshua should ignore this research in his findings.

If Joshua feels that he does not want to include this data he should talk to his group and explain why he feels it is not relevant. It should not be hidden from the findings if it has a role to play in the research and can help the restaurant’s performance in the future.

There is a value in secondary research and when it is used appropriately it can enhance and enrich a business project or proposal. Many of the methods used to collect data involve electronic data collection through surveys and online questionnaires. The correct choice for Joshua to make in this dilemma is to spend more time on his findings to determine his outcome and make a strong contribution to his groups projects.

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