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Anorexia Nervosa Research Paper

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Anorexia nervosa or more commonly known as “anorexia” is an eating disorder in which individuals obsess about their weight and what they eat. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses (ANAD). People suffering from this disorder limit their calorie intake to less than healthy levels and are very particular about the kinds of food they eat. Anorexics struggle to maintain a healthy weight for their respective age, height, and stature. One defining trait of anoxia is intentional vomiting to purge the body of food to maintain a skinny figure. In female adolescents it is estimated that one percent suffer from anorexia. That means one out of one hundred women ages ranging from ten to twenty are anorexic (ANRED). Another …show more content…
This can be caused by psychological issues like low self esteem and a strong desire to please others, bad relationships, cultural pressure to be thin, and if someone else in the family has anorexia then another family member may be more susceptible to it. During anorexia a person slowly begins to cut out key nutrients be limiting themselves to inadequate portions of vegetables and fruits. It is thought that a lack of a chemical in the brain that regulates mood could cause anorexia. A seemingly hectic life can encourage eating disorders. Having control of your diet and the foods that you eat give a person a sense of control and make them feel good about …show more content…
There are two aspects that must be considered when treating anorexia. The physical concerns are handled by doctors, nurses, and dietitians while mental health experts care for the patients state of mind. Doctors provide medical care and supervise your calorie needs for weight gain. Dietitians create specific meal plans and suggested calories for a healthy body. Support of family is also crucial to make the anorexic to feel confident and that they are not alone in their struggle. Family is also likely going to be crucial in making sure that anorexics maintain healthy eating habits. Since the problem is initiated by the patient mental health experts are crucial to helping the patient realize that what they are doing is killing them. Mental health experts like psychologist work with anorexics to develop behavioral strategies to help patients to regain confidence and return to a healthy weight. Before a doctor will treat you for anorexia you must go through several test to rule out any other causes for weight loss. This includes physical examinations, lab test, psychological examinations, and sometimes x-rays to check bone density. Many doctors will use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which was published by the American Psychiatric Association gives proper criteria for diagnosing anorexia. If an anorexics life is in Immediate danger then they can be hospitalized. In many

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