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Apple in Se 10-K


Submitted By iamtone
Words 877
Pages 4

Apple Inc. SEC 10-K


1 Introduction 3

1.1 Executive Summary 3
1.2 History 3

2 financial analysis 4

2.1 Income statement 4
2.2 balance statement 4
2.3 cash flow statement 5

3 appendix 5

4 References 7

4.1 work cited 7


1 Executive Summary

In this report I will discuss my financial analysis of Apple Corporation along with a synopsis and display of the company’s financial documents and records. I have been a consumer of Apple products for many years. With their recent conference that reveal the new iPhone 6s, iPad pro ad Apple Watch they continue to incline with innovative products and financially. “The Company must continually introduce new products, services and technologies, enhance existing products and services, and effectively stimulate customer demand for new and upgraded products” (SEC 10-K, 2014). Apple continue to produce new products to stay ahead of the competition.

2 History

Apple was established in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Apple produces, manufactures, designs and sale computers to schools, businesses, and government agency. In addition, Apple also sales personal computers, iPod and iPhone compatible products, including application software, printers, storage devices, speakers, headphones, and various other accessories and peripherals through its online and retail stores and digital content through their iTunes Media Store. Apple is continuously providing there customers with “enhanced digital lifestyles (SEC10-K, 2014)” Apple is the second-largest information technology company, after Samsung Electronics.



1 Income Statement

Apple income statement is formatted to show

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