Premium Essay

Arterial Lines


Submitted By vbates
Words 3995
Pages 16
Arterial Lines 3/8/05

1- What is an a-line? 2- What are the parts of an a-line? 3- Does it matter if the flush setup is made with saline or heparin? 4- What are a-lines used for? 5- What do I have to think about before the a-line goes in? 6- What is an Allen test? 7- Where can a-lines go besides the radial artery? 8- Who inserts a-lines? 9- How is it done? 10- What kinds of problems can happen during a-line placement? 11- How do I use an a-line to monitor blood pressure? 12- How should I set the alarm limits? 13- How do I draw blood samples from a-lines? 14- What order do I draw the tubes? 15- How often does the transducer setup have to be changed? 16- What kind of dressing goes on an a-line site? 17- What is the armboard for? 18- Does the patient’s arm have to be restrained? 19- What if my a-line has a good tracing on the screen, but I can’t draw blood from it? 20- What does “dampened” mean? 21- What if I lose the trace completely? 22- How often should I check the pulse at the a-line site? 23- How do I know if the patient’s hand is at risk? 24- What do I do if the line disconnects at the hub/stopcock/transducer? 25- What do I do if the patient pulls out her a-line? 26- How do I know when it’s safe to take out my patient’s a-line? 27- How do I remove the line?

I thought it might be interesting to get away from big scary things like balloon pumps, PA-lines and defibrillation, and to try focusing on something that we use routinely, and try to look at it in detail. I read once that pilots will sit and argue about the right way to do anything – taxiing,

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