Free Essay

Being Proactive


Submitted By soccergirl16
Words 366
Pages 2
September 14, 2014
Clark, Patrick. (2014, August 06). How Now to Handle a Bad Yelp Review. BusinessWeek. Retrieved September 14,2014 from

Article summary
When you are an owner or manager of a company your ethics and values are a huge role in how you represent your title and your company. That is one of the jobs you take when accepting a position as a manager or owner. What you say or do could affect your company in a positive or negative way. To be a good manager you always take the route that will satisfy your customers.
When, Chris Wagoner, owner of the Union Street Guest House in Hudson, New York wrote a clause in his guest book for his customers he did not get positive feedback from individuals. The clause in the guest book stated that if any guest wrote a bad review on Yelp the hotel could charge you $500. Once this news got out on other websites many individuals got offended even individuals who had never stayed at this hotel. When word got out to Wagner about the rage individuals had towards his clause he issued a comment to say the policy was a joke however this comment did not satisfy the customers they were still offended.
To ensure this does not happen again Yelps website now deletes comments that do not follow their guidelines. Clark states that about 3,000 reviews for the United Street Guest House have been erased.
Relevance to the Material This article is relevant to chapter three of our textbook because it ties into the ethical responsibilities required as a manager that is talked about in chapter three. In order to avoid negative ethical behavior you need to always think before following through with your actions. The text book talks about ethics, values and the four approaches to deciding ethical dilemmas and in my opinion Wagoner did not have good ethics or values. Wagoner also in my opinion did not choose one the approaches when deciding on making a clause to fine his customer, that decision did not help anyone.

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