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Black Twitter Essay

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One of the most successful social media platforms in today’s technological era, Twitter is an information network made up of 140-character posts known as “Tweets.” In Bonilla and Rosa’s (2015) research article for American Ethnologist, the authors tease apart the significance of Twitter as an ethnographic field site and extension of modern activism and social discourse. In identifying a social media platform as a field site, Bonilla and Rosa focused in on Twitter’s use of hashtags as a way to index or mark themes in conversations, whether large or small. Hashtags filter the noise of social media down to one slice of discussion, and draw attention to what people in our world want to talk about. Racial issues are particularly salient as trending topics of discussion on Twitter, seen not only by the significant community of African Americans on the site (“Black Twitter”), but by the discourse following black teen Mike Brown’s death by the hand of a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. …show more content…
What differentiates Twitter from the technologies of the past is that it blurs the line between private and public opinion, presenting manifold windows, as opposed to one, into opinions and broadcast of current events. Twitter has provided marginalized and racialized groups a platform to document injustice. The ability of topics to “trend” on twitter gives voice to marginalized groups to collectively identify, articulate, and contest injustices from in-group

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