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Submitted By ogarik
Words 433
Pages 2
(Nystedt 2008)

Storage When it comes to storage, blu-ray disc has definitely been a leap forward in terms of how much data we can hold on a single disc. When the DVD disc was still popular it was only able to hold up to five gigabytes of storage. Now, you may think that is quite a bit, but remember you have to store audio, video, and miscellaneous information on a single disc. The resulting limitations of the DVD disc became apparent as we moved forward in technology advancements with audio and video. When the blu-ray disc was becoming popular it started out with a single layer which was capable of over 25 gigabytes of data storage. The technology world was flung open to new opportunities in greater audio performance as well as what is now trending as 4K television.

Video The video industry was stymied by the low-end data storage of the DVD Disc. They needed something to be able to cram more data that was more advanced and high end to the consumer. What better place to start with the blu-ray disc when Sony and Pioneer unveil the new format at Japan’s Ceatec show in 2000. They had also announced the Ultra Density Optical, a blue-laser optical disc format proposed to replace the magneto-optical discs. Amazing how a large multi-commercial product corporation mostly known for video development had come up with the idea. Video playback was able to move forward to what we know as high definition at 1080p resolution. Great looking picture was the thought of the future was now here in the consumer’s home all because of a disc. Audio With great video also came the new extensions and design of home theater and audio clarity. Remember the hefty space available on the blu-ray disc. Well audio companies were now able to further advance their technologies as well! Clarity of sound was huge when paired with 1080p resolute

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