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Cango Communication Problems


Submitted By Amyboyd
Words 277
Pages 2
Amy Boyd

CanGo has started out this project with lack of organization and communication. To help solve their communication issues they need to have Employee engagement. Employee engagement remains a crucial concept for internal communication. Organizations now tend to agree that engaged employees – employees who are keen to “go the extra mile” – can have a very strong positive effect on the success of the business. CanGo needs its communication professionals to focus just as strongly on communication basics and to do them very well. “Where we’ve been is just as important as where we’re going” (, 2014). Organizations all too often cascade their communications, pushing them down to front-line employees from the top. This means that those at the end of the pipeline rarely have an opportunity to voice their concerns or opinions. Having an employee action team will allow CanGo to create an active, two-way communication program, ensuring that everyone can add his or her voice to the dialogue.
A major difficulty for CanGo is that they don’t start out on the same page on how they define engagement. This lack of clarity can cause the project to be unsuccessful. An engaged workforce is one that feels fully part of the organization’s business goals and plans. Engagement is the act of building communal ownership and accountability, for what CanGo stands for and must achieve, through an informed and involved workforce of day-to-day work practices and decisions. If CanGo can all get on the same page together and get their plans organized together and mapped out, they can all be able to work as a team.


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