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Catholic Church In Mexico Research Paper

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The Catholic church is an extremely influential interest group throughout Mexico, however they are not politicians or directly take part in government. This is due the freedom of religion Mexico upholds to its citizens. Though there is freedom of religion in Mexico, Catholicism is the majority religion of most citizens. President Fox made it clear in 2002 that the Catholic church was an accepted influence when he kissed the pope’s hand during an official papal visit to Mexico (55). The success of an interest group is determined based on the influence it has over constituents as well as the efficiency of influencing legislation and initiatives passed by politicians to better the lives of members. Camp wrote that many Mexicans did not feel they could …show more content…
This goal has been structured as two initiatives; the first is democratization and the second is better welfare programs for the poor. The first initiative which 9 out of every 10 priests in Mexico has supported can be considered a success (152). During the 2006, presidential election when President Fox attempted to discredit a possible PRD candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Church stepped into the situation swiftly and efficiently. The Church declared the wrong doing as a violation of the rights of Mexicans to fair and equal democratic elects. The intervention of the Church influence the attorney general to withdraw all legal charges against López Obrador which allowed him to maintain his candidacy (154). The Church does not support a single political party, in 2007 a survey was taken proving that less than 12% of people in any region of Mexico approved of the Church supporting a sole political party (92). This understanding of no support for a single party is understandable with their goal of free and fair elections. The Church instead only focuses on sole politicians depending on their location at a local

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