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Christ: Model of Today's Youth


Submitted By cbariuan14
Words 2560
Pages 11
Chapter 1

Background of the Study As we all know Christ Himself is the creator who made everything in heaven and earth. Jesus might have selected anyone in the world to follow Him. Yet again, He called common men: fishermen, businessmen, plain folks but the very first we notice about Jesus in that He was “one of us”. He loved children and they returned His affections. When some of Jesus’ followers tried to restrain the youngsters from clustering around Him, our Lord said “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14 NIV) Every one of us knows Jesus Christ but did you know that Christ is the model of Today’s Youth? Without any doubt He is the unique personality of all time a man who changed the course of history so dramatically that almost nothing is untouched by his influence. In almost every country in this world, the front page of every single newspaper acknowledges Him. That’s because every date is marked from His birth more than two thousand years ago. The life Jesus led, the miracles He performed the words He spoke, His death on the cross, His resurrection, His ascent into heaven these all point to the fact that He was not merely a man but more that a man. Yet the very power of His name was destined to overthrow the most widespread. So we know that Christ’s sacrifice all the things to save our life. That’s great had done God to all of us that serve as model in each of us.

Statement of the Problem This study focuses on the influence of Christ as a model of Today’s Youth. It discusses the work of Jesus and the sacrifices that He did to save our lives, also His role in influencing the moral value of the Youth. Moreover it aims to understand the great role of Christ in developing each of us and also to become a good model to the next generation, especially in

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