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Communication in Verbal and Non Verbal


Submitted By mayank06
Words 995
Pages 4





PURCHASE ORDER: 23375955 DATED 10th MAY 2011


|SIGNATURE | | | | | |

| |INTRODUCTION |2 – 5 |
| |SYSTEM CHECKS |6 - 7 |
| |Local Loading Interruption Handling |11 |
| |FDS - Doc No.: IOCL/ITARSI/ASPL/9472/FDS/REV 01 |-- |
| 9.0 |DRAWINGS |-- |
| 10.0 |DATASHEETS |-- |


1. Document Purpose

The purpose of Site Acceptance Test is: • To verify the compliance of the system based on customer requirements and submitted documents and various discussions with the customer till date of issuance of this document. • To demonstrate that the functionality is as defined in the documents as per FDS, individual site requirements, & various correspondence / MOM's.

The tests documented within this manual aim to demonstrate the above and establish, with an acceptable degree of confidence that the Electronic Flow metering: 1. Does what it is supposed to do 2. Is physically and operationally secure 3. Is reliable

The SAT procedure includes various test procedure in reference to the terminal operations and related functions as described by the customer /consultant.

2 Documents to be produced for SAT (Prerequisite):

1. System Architecture 2. Functional Design Specifications 3. Approved datasheets & engineering documents 4. User Manuals of all equipment supplied. 5. Test Certificates. 6. CCOE, CMRI certificates for all equipments, glands, etc 7. Release note/ Inspection Reports of all items.

1.3 Pre-requisites for Conducting SAT

1. Following are the requirements to be met before the Site Acceptance Test can commence: 2. All products to be handled are available (at end user’s storage). 3. All field mounted equipment are ready, completely tested for individual functionality 4. All gantry equipment is properly installed. 5. Sufficient numbers of tank trucks for loading of products are available. 6. Earthing for individual equipment is done and the Earthing System is healthy.

1.4 Test Plan for Site Acceptance Test

Following is the envisaged plan for the Site Acceptance Test:


DURATION Two / Three Days*

PARTICIPANTS Representatives of M/s IOCL Representatives of M/s BVIS (TPI) Representatives of M/s AST

1.5 Observation of SAT

All observation shall be recorded in the SAT procedure. Incase of any discrepancy with the expected result, the same shall be indicated in the individual test pages.

* Number of days will be increased beyond 2-3 days if require as per site condition.

2.1 Hardware Checks

|PURPOSE : To verify that the Hardware is as per Bill Of Materials |
|EQUIPMENT : Bill Of Materials & System architecture as per Annexure A |

|PROCEDURE: Check the Hardware as per Bill Of Materials / approved Architecture |


2.2 Connectivity Checks

|PURPOSE: To verify that the connectivity as per System Architecture system |
|EQUIPMENT : As Per Approved system architecture drawing as per Annexure A |

|PROCEDURE: Check all the connections Gantry equipments. |
| |
| |




Normal loading operation in local mode

|REFERENCE: |Functional Design Specification |
|PURPOSE: |To verify Tank Truck Loading sequence in Local Loading Mode |

|Step |Action |Expected Response |Observed/ |
| | | |Comments |
|1 |When Truck is assigned to bay & go |Ideally Batch Controller showing message | |
| |to assigned bay. |“CONNECT EARTH”. | |
| |Idle condition | | |
|2 |Connect the earth to truck. |Observe that Batch Controller showing message | |
| | |‘Enter Preset quantity” | |
| | | | |
|3 |Insert the loading arm |Observe Green light glow on LAI | |
|4 |After this Gantry officer enters |Observe that BCU will show message “Press | |
| |preset quantity. |ACK”. | |
|5 |When press ack on RIT |Observe that BCU will show message “Press | |
| | |START when ready to or STOP to cancel” | |

|6 |Press Start on RIT. |Observe that loading starts & in BCU showing | |
| | |message ‘Loading in Progress”. Follow step 4 | |
| | |to 5 for other compartments. | |
|7 |Disconnect that earth from TRUCK. |Observe that BCU will show message “CONNECT | |
| | |EARTH”. | |


Local Loading Interruption Handling

Interruptions at the loading bay may occur in one of the following forms: o Loading Arm Fail o Earth Failure

Though loading stops on occurrence of any of the above interruptions, the method of recovery of the batch differs in each case.

Interruption due to Loading Arm Fail:

|Action on Loading Arm Fail |Loading at that bay stops immediately. Batch controller |
| |displays “Loading Arm Fail” & shows alarm. |
|Action on recovery of Loading arm Fail |Batch controller displays a message to press START or |
| |STOP. |
|How to Rectify |Insert Loading arm properly inside the compartment so that|
| |Loading Arm Interlock glows Green. |

Interruption due to Earth Fail:

|Action on Earth Fail |Loading at that bay stops immediately. Batch controller |
| |displays “connect Earth” & shows alarm. |
|Action on recovery of Loading arm Fail |Batch controller displays a message to press START or |
| |STOP. |
|How to Rectify |In this case, proper earth connection is not there. So |
| |connect Earth Properly to Truck body so that Earthing |
| |device will glow Green after proper earth. |


|1 |Batch Controller |14 |
|2 |Smart ground detectors |14 |
|3 |Pulse Transmitter |14 |
|4 |Position Sensor(Loading Arm) |14 |
|5 |3" P.D Meter |14 |
|6 |3" DCV 150# |14 |
|7 |Remote Interaction Terminal(RIT) |14 |
|8 |Flame proof lamp at tlf bays |14 |
|9 |Power Distribution cum marshalling panel 800(w)X800(D)X2100(H) |1 |
|10 |SOV NO & NC |14 |
|11 |3" Stainer with Differential Pressure Gaugs |14 |
|12 |3" Air Eliminator with Pressure Gauge |14 |
|13 |3" Loading Arm |6 |
|14 |415v 3Phase UPS(10KVA) |1 |
|15 |Cables |Lot |
|16 |Glands |Lot |
|17 |J.B |Lot |
|18 |Cable Tray |Lot |



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