Premium Essay

供應 Demand


Submitted By zzzzzzz
Words 1724
Pages 7
A. Consider the demand for a product defined to be “soda pop.”
1. What would be included in the definition of this product? All of the different brands of carbonated soft drinks produced by the various bottlers, including Coke Classic, 7 UP, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, Dad’s Root Beer, Ginger Ale, etc. 2. What geographic area would the market area typically considered be? The geographic area is the region within which the product is bought and sold and the area within which the price and quantity of the product bought and sold are being determined. It is usually considered to be the entire U.S. 3. How would quantity demanded and the price of this product be defined? The quantity demanded is defined as the total number of gallons of all brands of soft drinks that all the households in the market area are willing and able to purchase during some period of time, c.f., week, at some (average) price of soda pop. The price of soda pop, which is what would be on the vertical axis of a demand curve diagram, is the average price of all the different brands produced by all the different bottlers for say a 12 ou. serving. The price of the product would be thought of as the average price of a 12 ou. serving for all the brands included in the definition of the product. 4. How is the demand for this product defined? The demand for soda pop is the relationship between all the possible (average) prices of soda pop and the corresponding amount that all households are willing and able to purchase during some period of time, ceteris paribus (which means none of the demand determinants changing). 5. Explain why the demand curve is downward sloping. Be sure to consider both of the effects (substitution effect, number of buyers) that a change in price has on quantity demanded. What theory or hypothesis explains the downward slope? The demand

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星巴克 Starbucks

...1. Starbucks是一個怎樣的公司?該公司的經營宗旨為何?其過去的成長策略為何?到2002年時獲致怎樣的成果? Starbucks是個擁有企業願景,並勇於實踐打造企業願景的公司。其經營宗旨為將醇香的咖啡融入每個人的生活中,讓每個人在生活中不只有家庭與工作,還有專屬自己的咖啡時光。 * establish Starbucks as the most recognized and respected brand in the world by creating coffee culture, providing coffee with best quality and best services, and using broad distribution strategy. 在星巴克的成長策略上,我們主要分為三個構面,分別為地理面、產品面、產品深化三個構面,做一深度的討論。 * 地理構面:星巴克採取的策略是通路擴張;積極展店,讓全美布局更廣;建立更廣泛的通路,讓顧客不只在星巴克遇見星巴克,更可以在自己習慣消費的雜貨店、平常約會聚餐的餐廳,就能享受到星巴克提供的高品質咖啡。 * 產品構面:星巴克提供多元化的產品。不僅是咖啡,我們可以從個案中的表4表5可以看到,星巴克還提供了食物、無咖啡因飲料、咖啡豆、咖啡相關用具(如隨行杯)……等,多種不同的產品為星巴克帶來了部分的營收,也增加產品的多樣性。 * 產品深化:星巴克在產品以及服務上做了更進一步的創新,舉凡與百事合作,並發明了Frappucino(星冰樂);首先推出星巴克專用儲值卡,有效的抓緊原先忠誠度高的顧客;最重要的莫過於明確的對產品做定位,星巴克成功將咖啡與生活的概念作緊密的連結,讓消費者在日常生活中脫離不了星巴克,成功創造美國咖啡市場的高市佔率。 最後,我們可以看到在2002年,星巴克打造的廣泛通路與產品定位的深耕,造就了星巴克在全美咖啡市場的領先地位─全美有三分之一的咖啡館皆為星巴克,高於其五大競爭對手開的咖啡館之總和。同時,星巴克成功的經營策略也為其建立了良好的產業競爭力,縱使2002年正值全美籠罩911事件的陰影、產業不景氣之際,星巴克仍維持連續第11年的5%以上的店舖成長,證明星巴克是一家經的起蕭條考驗的良好企業。 2.在2002年星巴克公司有何潛在的威脅?市場調查透露出和種信息?有哪些待解決的問題? (1)潛在威脅 * 沒有行銷策略團隊,也沒有行銷長 * 有1/3的星巴克門市彼此自相殘殺 * 品牌意義上,星巴克在消費者心中有:星巴克只關注營利這個印象、星巴克只關注門市擴張 * 消費人口改變 * 顧客忠誠度下降,服務速度不夠快速 (2)市場透漏的訊息 * There was very little image or product differentiation between Starbucks and the smaller coffee chains in the minds of specialty coffeehouse customers. * Changes in brand image in customers’ minds: * Increasing numbers of respondents strongly agree with the statement of “Starbucks cares...

Words: 356 - Pages: 2

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Nthu Student

...影響網路團購再購意願因素之研究 FACTORS INFLUENCING ON THE REPURCHASE INTENTIONS IN THE ONLINE GROUP BUYING ENVIRONMENT 指導教授:楊浩二(Prof. Hao-Erl Yang) 研 究 生:林淑婉(Su-Wan Lin) 大同大學 事業經營研究所 碩士論文 Thesis for Master of Business Administration Department of Business Management Tatung University 中華民國九十九年六月 June 2010 i i FACTORS INFLUENCING ON THE REPURCHASE INTENTIONS IN THE ONLINE GROUP BUYING ENVIRONMENT 影響網路團購再購意願因素之研究 A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT OF TATUNG UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BY Su-Wan Lin 林淑婉 JUNE 2010 TAIPEI, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA ii iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Concerning the successful completion of this thesis, I have to thank my advisor Professor Hao-Erl Yang ( 楊 浩 二 ) first. The professor’s professional guidance and assistance provide many suggestion and inspiration for me from the direction correction of thesis topic, establishment of research framework, provision of related literatures, and methodological guidance in my thesis writing process. Therefore, express my heartfelt thanks here with regard. Besides, I’m very grateful to the thesis committee’s members, Professor Hsien-Che Lee (李賢哲) and Professor Yun-Huei Lee (李芸蕙) for the review, and give me many valuable suggestions. Thus, the thesis oral defense can be completed successfully, and express my sincere gratitude here. Furthermore, I have to thank my husband Hao-Wen Hsu’s encouragement and...

Words: 27774 - Pages: 112

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Cloud Computing

...LD CCloud computing refers to the provision of computational resources on demand via a network. Cloud computing can be compared to the supply of electricity and gas, or the provision of telephone, television and postal services. All of these services are presented to the users in a simple way that is easy to understand without the users needing to know how the services are provided. This simplified view is called an abstraction. Similarly, cloud computing offers computer application developers and users an abstract view of services that simplifies and ignores much of the details and inner workings. A provider's offering of abstracted Internet services is often called The Cloud. The key characteristic of cloud computing is that the computing is "in the cloud" i.e. the processing (and the related data) is not in a specified, known or static place(s). This is in contrast to a model in which the processing takes place in one or more specific servers that are known. All the other concepts mentioned are supplementary or complementary to this concept. Example: Microsoft Windows Azure The Windows Azure platform is a flexible cloud–computing platform that lets you focus on solving business problems and addressing customer needs. No need to invest upfront on expensive infrastructure. Pay only for what you use, scale up when you need capacity and pull it back when you don’t. We handle all the patches and maintenance — all in a secure environment with over 99.9% uptime. ...

Words: 1104 - Pages: 5

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政治學 Uploaded Successfully

...政治學筆記目錄 第一章 政治學概論………………………………………….2 第二章 政治學方法論……………………………………….7 第三章 國家與民族論………………………………………15 第四章 憲法與人權論………………………………………29 第五章 政體論………………………………………………36 第六章 政黨論……………………………………………..56 第七章 選舉制度、政治參與及投票行為…………………65 第八章 民意與溝通…………………………………………76 第九章 利益團體與群眾運動………………………………82 第十章 政府論………………………………………………89 第十一章 政治文化與政治社會化……………………….102 第十二章 全球化與國際政治…………………………….112 第一章 政治學概論 壹、何謂政治? 一、政治的定義 政治,源自拉丁文城邦(polis),就字面意義言指涉城邦中之公共事務,從最廣泛的角度來看,政治是人們透過制定、修正和維繫其生活一般規則的活動。 實際上政治是一種非常複雜的現象,至今尚欠缺一個精密且共同認定的定義,為了盡可能描述政治,學者分別以國家[1]、政府[2]、權力、系統、衝突、決策過程、公領域[3]等各種途徑加以闡述,歸納起來可分成以下四類: (一)政治為規範性目的的實現 政治的目的在實現某些道德標準(如公平正義),或共同規範(如公共利益),歷史上許多政治思想家均從此規範性角度來探討政治,像柏拉圖(Plato)認為政治的任務在建立正義、亞里斯多德(Aristotle)認為政治在實現人類美好之生活。 論者以為,此種意涵可鼓舞政治社群追求這些道德標準的實踐,激起政治社群從關心私利到關心共善;然批評者則指出,實際政治現象中,執政者往往宣示偉大且抽象的道德目標以遂行其私利。 (二)政治為權力現象 拉斯威爾(H. D. Lasswell)和卡普蘭(A. Kaplan)指出,權力是政治最基本的概念,政治即政治行動者權力互動的現象,因此其特別注重「誰得到什麼、何時得到、如何得到」及「議程設定」(agenda setting)對權力運作過程的影響[4]。 政治為權力現象的觀點雖然跳脫國家組織的界線,然有學者批評其對政治範圍做了過大的界定,容易將一切權力互動關係泛政治化[5]。 (三)政治為衝突的管理 政治是在解決衝突,安斯圖茲(Amstutz)指出政治是在處理兩種關於衝突的事務,一類是稀有資源和職位,例如競選、財源分配等;第二類則是(解決衝突)法令規章之發展,像是憲法之修定以及政府運作規則之建立。 (四)政治為政府制定政策的過程 當代政治學者特別重視政府的權威,例如伊斯頓(D. Easton)及倫尼(A. Ranney)認為政治就是對社會價值進行權威性的分配(authoritative allocation of value)。而政府政策之所以具有權威性,主要來自三項特徵: 1.合法性 它根據憲法及法律,經過法定程序而制定,具有法律的效力。 2.普遍性 它可以要求社會全體成員遵守規範。 3.強制性 對於不遵守或違反規範者,可以動用強制力量加以懲罰。 ...

Words: 10136 - Pages: 41

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Virgin Galactic

...Research on Virgin Galactic Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic has us all excited about space travel, but we are slightly less excited about the Virgin Galactic cost. Those tickets into suborbital space are not cheap, and most of us will not be able to afford the trip for a while. What is the Virgin Galactic Cost? A 2008 book about space tourism stated that, "The cost of suborbital flight advertised by private space companies such as Virgin Galactic and Starchaser Industries is in the order of U.S. $200,000." [Source: Erik Seedhouse, page 27]. Virgin Galactic's webpage confirms that $200,000 is still the cost of a ticket of admission, and that at least 100 people have already paid that fare in full. [Source:]. Apparently, the company intends to keep the cost of tickets at this level for the time being. Will the Virgin Galactic Cost Come Down? In a 2008 interview, Stephen Attenborough, commercial director for Virgin Galactic said he thought competition would eventually drive ticket prices down to $50,000 or lower. [Source: The Independent]. He did not give any timeframe for this decrease. It seems inevitable that competition will force Virgin Galactic and other space flight companies to lower their prices. Low price is, after all, the most obvious way for a company to distinguish its product. But with $200,000 spaceflights still a thing of the future, it might be a while before the average Star Trek fan can afford a trip to space. Conclusions...

Words: 25217 - Pages: 101

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...Barriers to Asset Building of Working Poor in Hong Kong Subject: Doing Policy Research Subject Code: APSS 3220 Lecturer: Dr. Chen Juan Student Name: Sai Kwan (10704047D) Table of Content No. | Title | Page | 1 | Abstract and Introduction | 2 | 2 | Literature Review Situation of Working Poor in Hong Kong Introduction to Asset Building Asset Building Policies in Hong Kong Theory of Determinants of Asset Accumulation Conceptual Framework for Determinants on Asset Building Barriers to Asset Building in the US Context | 3 | 3 | Research Objectives, Questions, and Design | 8 | 4 | Research Findings Situation of Asset Building of Working Poor in Hong Kong Barriers to Asset Building of Working Poor in Hong Kong | 9 | 5 | Discussion and Summary | 17 | 6 | Policy Implications | 17 | 7 | Limitation of the Research | 19 | 8 | Conclusion | 20 | 9 | References | 21 | 10 | Appendixes | 24 | 1 Abstract - It is widely acknowledged that the numbers of working poor in Hong Kong is tremendously increasing. This paper looks at the barriers of working poor’s asset-building which haven’t intensively discussed by both the government and academicians in Hong Kong. I conducted survey of 45 working poor and 6 intensive interviews. Results revealed that financial...

Words: 10270 - Pages: 42