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Demonstrative Speech Outline

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Studies have shown that public speaking is one of the most fearful experience any individuals could face. I am among those individuals. My shy persona takes over, the fear of being judged becomes terrifying, both my internal and external noise interference start to act up leaving my heart rate ascending, I start to hear the clock ticking, and my adrenaline starts building. There are limitations to speak when being timed and before you know it, all eyes are on you where you being the speaker become the focus point for the audience. Although I was dubious my topic for my presentation would leave a beneficial impact on my audience, I must say I did a great job on my first presentation. There was a lot of preparation to alleviate tension however, I was not perfect. …show more content…
The first credibility is from my instructor Dr. McIntosh, Anne. In my Demonstrative Speech Outline for my presentation, she gave me feedback on my performance and according to her I did a good job on my presentation. In the outline I included all of the requirements that was needed starting at the top with General Purpose, Specific Purpose, Central Idea, going down to the Introduction, the meat which is the Body, the Conclusion and the Bibliography. According to my instructor, I dressed professionally, I stated my credibility, had good resources in alphabetical format, my transitions were good and I also used verbal citations in my speech from research related to my topic. With that being said she gave me two grades. I received a 14.25/15 on my speech and for the outline I received a 4.75/5. I was pleased to know that I did well however, I can do better. The second credibility is consolidated with my classmate perception of my presentation and my roommate feedback. My classmate Mena Howash gave me feedback on my presentation. He mentioned that my voice was appropriate and well heard and I had great eye contact with my

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