Free Essay

Describe the Forms of Abuse Which May Be Experienced by Adults


Submitted By alexsutherland17
Words 4285
Pages 18
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} else { // it's not a subnet either, so it's either a valid IP, or invalid // was it supposed to be a subnet ? if ( netmask == true && single == false ){ errored = true; } else { if ( __vip( address ) != true ){ errored = true; } } } } } return !errored;
// outer wrapper - sets error colours, only do validation at all if passed the right object function valid_ip( initial_address, allowempty, netmask, range, single )
if ( initial_address.value == undefined ){ initial_address = document.getElementById(initial_address); } if(initial_address.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_ip(initial_address.value, allowempty, netmask, range, single) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }


function __valid_comment( comment, allowempty)
var errored = false; if(comment == undefined || comment == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { errored = !/^[\w\d\.\-,\(\)@$!\%\^\&\*=\+_ ]*$/.test( comment ); } return !errored;

function valid_comment( item, allowempty )
if ( item.value == undefined ){ item = document.getElementById(item); } if(item.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_comment(item.value, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

function __valid_itemname( itemname, allowempty )
var errored = false;

if(itemname == undefined || itemname == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { errored = !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\. ]*$/.test( itemname ); } return !errored;
function valid_itemname( item, allowempty )
if ( item.value == undefined ){ item = document.getElementById(item); } if(item.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_itemname(item.value, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

function __valid_match( match, value, allowempty )
var errored = false;

if(value == undefined || value == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { var re = new RegExp( match ); var ma = re.exec( value ); if ( ma != null ){ errored = false; } else { errored = true; } } return !errored;

function valid_match( match, item, allowempty )
if ( item.value == undefined ){ item = document.getElementById(item); } if(item.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_match( match, item.value, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

function __valid_username( username, allowempty )
var errored = false;

if(username == undefined || username == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { errored = !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*$/.test( username ); } return !errored;

function valid_username( item, allowempty )
if ( item.value == undefined ){ item = document.getElementById(item); } if(item.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_username(item.value, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

var password_cache = new Array();

function valid_password( pass1id, pass2id, allowempty ) {

var password1 = document.getElementById(pass1id); var password2 = document.getElementById(pass2id); var errored = false; var p1 = password1.value; var p2 = password2.value;

if( p1 == undefined || p2 == undefined || (p1 == "" && p2 == "")) { errored = (allowempty != true); } else { errored = !/^[^\s\"\']*$/.test( p1 );

if ( p1 != p2 ){ = warning_colour; password_cache[ pass1id ] = warning_colour;

if ( password_cache[ pass2id ] != errored_colour ) { = warning_colour; password_cache[ pass2id ] = warning_colour; } } else { = normal_colour; password_cache[ pass1id ] = normal_colour;

if ( password_cache[ pass2id ] != errored_colour ) { = normal_colour; password_cache[ pass2id ] = normal_colour; } }

} = password_cache[ pass1id ] = (errored ? errored_colour : normal_colour); return !errored;

// valid_port is used for the user defined port that goes with a drop down list of standard ports
// if the dropdown is not at 0 value we dont need to check this function __valid_port(port, portchoices, allowempty)
var errored = false; if( portchoices != undefined && portchoices.value != "0" ) { errored = false; } else { if ( port == '' && allowempty == true ){

} else { errored = !/^[\d:]+$/.test( port);

if(!errored) { errored = (port < 1 || port > 0xFFFF); } } } return !errored;

function valid_port (portfield, portchoices, allowempty)
if ( portfield.value == undefined ){ portfield = document.getElementById(portfield); }

if ( portchoices.value == undefined){ portchoices = document.getElementById(portchoices); } if(portfield.value != undefined && != undefined) { = (__valid_port(portfield.value, portchoices, allowempty) ? normal_colour : errored_colour); }

// valid_host_or_ip - what is entered in this field must either be an ip address
// or a hostname. Where a hostname has to conatin some letters.
// if the optional allowempty parameter is present and true
// then the filed is allowed to be empty, otherwise that is an error state
// if something is optional then it can be allowed empty

function __valid_host_or_ip(name, allowempty, tryip, allowport)
var errored = false; if(name == undefined || name == "") { errored = (allowempty != true); }

else { if (allowport == undefined) { allowport = false; } if (allowport) { var parts = name.split(":"); name = parts[0]; if (parts.length > 1) { if (parts.length > 2 || !/^\d+$/.test(parts[1])) { return false; } } } // have something to check against // a hostname is must contain at least one letter in each group of numbers // otherwise we test it as a valid_ip instead var parts = name.split("."); var len=parts.length; for( var part=0; part= lower && value 255 ) { valid = false; } else if( !/^[a-z0-9\-_\.\s]+$/i.test(name) && safe == 'true' ) { valid = false; } else if( !/^[\x20-\x7E]+$/.test(name) || /[]/.test(name) ) { valid = false; } }

if ( valid ){ _ok( field ); } else { _error( field ); } return valid;

function validcomment( field,blank,max_length )
var inputval = field; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; } var valid = true;

if( ( typeof( inputval ) == 'undefined' || inputval == '' ) && blank == 'false' ) { valid = false; } else if( /[]/.test(inputval) ) { valid = false; } else if( inputval.length > max_length ) { valid = false; }

if ( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); }

function validhostname( field, blank, wildcard )
var valid = true; var inputval = field;

if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( ( inputval == '' || typeof( inputval ) == 'undefined' ) && blank == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else if( typeof( inputval ) != 'undefined' ) { var hostnames = inputval.replace(/\r/g,""); hostnames = hostnames.split("\n"); var hostnameslength = hostnames.length;

for( var i = 0 ; i < hostnameslength ; i++ ) { // see rfc1035 - (Domain names) // also see windows xp network id recommendations // also not allowing hostnames with just a number if( /^[0-9.*?-]+$/.test( hostnames[i] ) || /^[-\.]/.test( hostnames[i] ) || /[-\.]$/.test( hostnames[i] ) ) { valid = false; break; } if( ( hostnames[i].length < 1 ) || ( hostnames[i].length > 255 ) ) { valid = false; break; } else { var parts = hostnames[i].split("."); var partlength = parts.length; for(var part = 0 ; part < partlength ; part++) { if( ( parts[part].length < 1 ) || ( parts[part].length > 63 ) ) { valid = false; break; } if( ( !(/^[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$/.test(parts[part])) || /\s/.test(parts[part]) ) && wildcard != 'true' ) { valid = false; break; } else if( ( !(/^[a-zA-Z0-9?*](?:[a-zA-Z0-9?*-]*[a-zA-Z0-9?*])?$/.test(parts[part])) || /\s/.test(parts[part]) || /[*]{2,}/.test(parts[part])) && wildcard == 'true' ) { valid = false; break; } } } } }

if ( !valid ){ _error(field); } else { _ok(field); } return valid;

function validpacaddress( field, blank )
var inputval = field; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

var valid = true;

if( inputval.length < 1 ) { valid = false; } else { if( !( /http:\/\/.*?\.(pac|dat)/.test(inputval)) ) { valid = false; } }

if ( !valid ){ _error(field); } else { _ok(field); } return valid;

function validiporhostname( field, blank )
var valid = false; var inputval = field; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( inputval == '' && blank == 'false' ) { valid = false; } else { var iporhostnames = inputval.replace(/\r/g,""); iporhostnames = iporhostnames.split("\n"); var iporhostnameslength = iporhostnames.length;

for( var i = 0 ; i < iporhostnameslength ; i++ ) { if( iporhostnames[i] == undefined || iporhostnames[i] == "") { valid = blank; } else if ( validipvalue( iporhostnames[i] ) ) { valid = true; } else if ( validhostname( iporhostnames[i] ) ) { valid = true; } } }

if ( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validipordomain( field, require_protocol, blank )
var inputval = field; var valid = true; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( ( inputval == undefined || inputval == "" ) && blank == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else { var ip_domain = inputval.replace(/\r/g,""); ip_domain = ip_domain.split("\n"); var ip_domainlength = ip_domain.length;

for( var i = 0 ; i < ip_domainlength ; i++ ) { if( !validipvalue( ip_domain[i] ) && !validdomain( ip_domain[i],require_protocol ) ) { valid = false; } } }

if ( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validnumber( field,lower, upper, allowempty )
var value = field; if ( document.getElementById(field) ) { value = document.getElementById(field).value; }

var valid = false; if( ( value == undefined || value == "" ) && allowempty == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else if( /^\d+$/.test( value ) && !/^0\d+$/.test( value ) ) { value = parseInt( value ); lower = parseInt( lower ); upper = parseInt( upper ); if ( value >= lower && value max_length ) { valid = false; }

if ( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validurl(field,require_protocol,blank,asterisk)
var valid = true; var inputval = field;

if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; } if( blank == 'false' && ( inputval == undefined || inputval == "" ) ) { valid = false; } else { inputval = inputval.split(/\n|\r/);

var urls = new Array(); for( var i=0; i < inputval.length; i++ ) { if( ( inputval[i].length == 0 ) || ( inputval[i] == '\n' ) ) { continue }; urls.push( inputval[i] ); } var urlslength = urls.length;

for( var i=0; i < urlslength; i++ ) { urls[i] = urls[i].replace( /'/, '' ); // get rid of any *. or .* asterisk notation in our wildcard syntax // as the rest of the validation does not care for it if( asterisk == 'true' ) { urls[i] = urls[i].replace( /\.\*/, '' ); urls[i] = urls[i].replace( /\*\./, '' ); }

// Repeated '.' is valid in query or fragment even if not in domain or path // So replace these by a single '.' so don't fall foul of later tests // Note can't use /g option to regexp as overlapping matches var oldurl; do{ oldurl = urls[i]; urls[i] = oldurl.replace( /((\#|\?).*\.)\.+/, '$1' ); }while( urls[i] != oldurl );

if( /(-\.)|(\.-)/.test(urls[i]) || /\.\./.test(urls[i]) || /[\{\}|\\^\[\]'`]/.test(urls[i]) || /\/\/$/.test(urls[i]) || /^\./.test(urls[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( require_protocol == 'true' && !urlregex_forcehttp.test(urls[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( require_protocol == 'false' && !urlregex.test(urls[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( /^https?:\/[^\/]/i.test(urls[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validurlpart( field, blank )
var valid = true; var inputval = field;

if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( ( inputval == undefined || inputval == "" ) && blank == 'false' ) { valid = false; } else if( /[\s]/.test( inputval ) ) { valid = false; }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validdomain( field,require_protocol,blank,wildcard,asterisk )
var valid = true; var inputval = field;

if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; } if( blank == 'false' && ( inputval == undefined || inputval == "" ) ) { valid = false; } else { inputval = inputval.split(/\n|\r/);

var domains = new Array(); for( var i=0; i < inputval.length; i++ ) { if( ( inputval[i].length == 0 ) || ( inputval[i] == '\n' ) ) { continue }; domains.push( inputval[i] ); } var domainslength = domains.length;

for( var i = 0 ; i < domainslength ; i++ ) { // get rid of any "." prefix if we are accepting wildcards // as the rest of the validation does not care for it if( wildcard == 'true' && /^\./.test(domains[i]) ) { domains[i] = domains[i].substr(1); }

// get rid of any *. or .* asterisk notation in our wildcard syntax // as the rest of the validation does not care for it if( asterisk == 'true' ) { domains[i] = domains[i].replace( /\.\*/, '' ); domains[i] = domains[i].replace( /\*\./, '' ); } if( /(-\.)|(\.-)/.test(domains[i]) || /\.\./.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( wildcard != 'true' && /^\./.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( require_protocol == 'true' && !domainregex_forcehttp.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( require_protocol == 'false' && !domainregex.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } else if( /^https?:\/[^\/]/i.test(domains[i]) ) { valid = false; break; } } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validurlordomain( field,require_protocol,blank,wildcard )
var inputval = field; var valid = false; if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( inputval == "" && blank == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else if( inputval != "" ) { inputval = inputval.split(/\n|\r/); var url_domains = new Array(); for( var i=0; i < inputval.length; i++ ) { if( ( inputval[i].length == 0 ) || ( inputval[i] == '\n' ) ) { continue }; url_domains.push( inputval[i] ); } var url_domainslength = url_domains.length;

var valid_count = 0; for( var counter=0; counter < url_domainslength; counter++ ) { if( validurl( url_domains[counter], require_protocol, blank ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validdomain( url_domains[counter], require_protocol, blank, wildcard ) ) { valid_count++; } } if( valid_count == url_domainslength ) { valid = true; } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function validbrowserproxyexception( field,blank )
var inputval = field; var valid = false; if( document.getElementById(field) ) { inputval = document.getElementById(field).value; }

if( inputval == "" && blank == 'true' ) { valid = true; } else if( inputval != "" ) { inputval = inputval.split(/\n|\r/); var url_domains = new Array(); for( var i=0; i < inputval.length; i++ ) { if( ( inputval[i].length == 0 ) || ( inputval[i] == '\n' ) ) { continue }; url_domains.push( inputval[i] ); } var url_domainslength = url_domains.length;

var valid_count = 0; for( var counter=0; counter < url_domainslength; counter++ ) { if( validurl( url_domains[counter], 'false', blank, 'true' ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validdomain( url_domains[counter], 'false', blank, 'false', 'true' ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validip( url_domains[counter], blank ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validhostname( url_domains[counter], blank ) ) { valid_count++; } else if( validipandmask( url_domains[counter], blank ) ) { valid_count++; } } if( valid_count == url_domainslength ) { valid = true; } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function transliterate( input,original_chars,new_chars )
var output = ""; if( input.length > 0 && original_chars.length ' ); var start = timeslot[0].split( ':' ); var end = timeslot[1].split( ':' );

if( start[0] >= 24 || end[0] > 24 || start[1] > 59 || end > 59 || ( start[0] == 24 && end[1] > 0 ) ) { valid = false; }

if( start[0] == end[0] && start[1] == end[1] ) { valid = false; } } else { valid = false; } }

if( valid ){ _ok(field); } else { _error(field); } return valid;

function select_all( element, prefix )
var i = 0; while ( document.getElementById(prefix+i) ) { document.getElementById(prefix+i).checked = element.checked; i++; }

function xmlGet( url, runme )
var xmlHttpReq;

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla/Safari xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }'GET', url, true); xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( xmlHttpReq && xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) { runme += "( xmlHttpReq.responseText );"; eval ( runme ); } }

try { xmlHttpReq.send( null ); } catch (exception) { /* something went wrong ... ! */ error = 1; }

delete xmlHttpReq; delete url;

function smoothGet( url, runme )
var self = this;

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla/Safari self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }'GET', url, true); self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( self.xmlHttpReq && self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) { runme += "( self.xmlHttpReq.responseText, url );"; eval ( runme ); } }

try { self.xmlHttpReq.send( null ); } catch (exception) { /* something went wrong ... ! */ haserror = 1; }

delete self; delete url;

var urldetails = new Array();

function urlDetailer( id, initial, source, before, after )
if ( !urldetails[ id ] ) { urldetails[ id ] = new Array( before, after, initial ); if ( source && source != "" ) { smoothGet( source, "urlDetailerUpdate" ); } }

Tip( urldetails[ id ][ 2 ] );

function urlDetailerUpdate( response, caller )
var details = response.split( "~" );

/* the notation for the details array changes depending upon what we're looking at */ /* however, the first few notes are the same */ /* type, id */

var id = details[ 0 ] + details[ 1 ]; var before = urldetails[ id ][ 0 ]; var after = urldetails[ id ][ 1 ];

if ( details[ 0 ] == "youtube" ) { /* parse youtube details ... */ content = before; content += "YouTube Video - " + details[ 2 ] + ""; content += ""; content += "" + details[ 6 ] + ""; content += after; } else if ( details[ 0 ] == "whois" ) { content = before; content += details[ 2 ]; content += after; }

urldetails[ id ][ 2 ] = content; Tip( urldetails[ id ][ 2 ] );

function toggleTree( id )
var element = document.getElementById( id ); var indicator = document.getElementById( id + '_node' ); var historical = document.getElementById( id + '_expanded' );

if ( element ) { if( == 'none' ) { = 'inline'; indicator.src = '/themes/default/treeclose.png'; historical.checked = true; } else { = 'none'; indicator.src = '/themes/default/treeopen.png'; historical.checked = false; } }

var __toggleTreeSelectLast = -1;

function toggleTreeSelectDown( ev, tree, num, id )
var key = ev.shiftKey;

var element = document.getElementById( tree + '_tree' ); var indicator = document.getElementById( tree + '_nodule_' + num );

toggleTreeSelectMark( element, num, indicator );

if ( key != true ) { // don't do this if they've pressed select __toggleTreeSelectLast = num; }

/* URL higlighting */

function updateURLHighlight( vid )
var typedurl = document.getElementById( vid ).value;

var match = /^(([^:]*):\/\/)?([^\/]*)(\/?.*)$/.exec( typedurl );

document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML = ""; if ( match[ 1 ] ) { document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML += "" + match[ 1 ] + ""; } if ( match[ 3 ] ) { document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML += "" + match[ 3 ] + ""; } if ( match[ 4 ] ) { document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML += "" + match[ 4 ] + ""; } document.getElementById( vid + '_highlight' ).innerHTML += " ";

function toggleTreeSelectUp( ev, tree, num, id )
var element = document.getElementById( tree + '_tree' ); var indicator = document.getElementById( tree + '_nodule_' + num );

var key = ev.shiftKey; var endpoint = num;

if ( key == true ) { num --; }

for ( var i = ( __toggleTreeSelectLast + 1 ) ; i

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Safeguarding and social care 1.1 Define the following types of abuse: 1.2 Identify the signs and /or symptoms associated with each type of abuse: .Physical abuse: The intended use of physical force that may results in bodily injury, pain or impairment. This includes the application of techniques or treatments, involuntary isolation or confinement, misuse of medication and feelings of intimidation. It can also include smashing of the residents furniture and belongings, pushing or shoving, holding against the persons will, slapped, bitten, kicked, pinched, punched, threats of becoming violent. Those are many signs and symptoms due to the physical abuse: some bruising can appear in wellhidden places, broken bones, sprains and dislocations, burns(friction/scalds), pressure sores, flinching when approached, weight loss, feeling depressed and in a low mood, angry. .Sexual abuse: this is when sexual contact is made without the consent of the person or when the person has been tricked or force into taking part in sexual activities. This can happen to males and females. This can include sexual penetration with any object, fingers or penis. Being exposed to pornographic elements, touching someone up or kissing is also a way of sexual abuse. Those are many signs and symptoms due to the sexual abuse: you can find some bruising around the person’s genitals and breast, urinary tract infections, vaginal/anal bleeding which will stain the underwear, nightmares and sleepless night,...

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Five Page Paper

...Abstract Although sexual abuse is recognized as a serious violation of human well-being and of the law, no community has yet developed the mechanisms that ensure none of their youth will be sexually abused. Child sexual abuse is, sadly, an international problem of great magnitude that can affect children of all ages, sexes, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic classes. Upon invitation, this current publication aims at providing a brief overview of a few lessons we have learned from child sexual abuse research as to heighten awareness of mental health professionals on this utmost important and widespread social problem. This overview will focus on different kinds of sexual abuse throughout my paper. Keywords: Child sexual abuse; Review; Prevalence; Mental health outcomes; Prevention Sign up to receive new article alerts from Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental HealthSign up Sexual abuse remains a challenging topic which can be difficult to talk about. Sexual abuse refers to any action that pressures or coerces someone to do something sexually they don't want to do. Sexual abuse can be listed in different categories such as child abuse and rape. Studies show that Florida, Ohio, California and Kentucky have the highest percent of child abuse and rape. There is still a lot we don’t know about the extent of people being abused. Sexual abuse is the most harmful and immoral criminal act, many children have been abused by their close relatives, and most...

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The Rough Road of Domestic Violence

...topic, I hope that not only will I be able to educated myself a little more, but maybe help save someone’s life by helping them remove themselves out of a domestic violence situation. Domestic violence can affect anyone, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion. Domestic violence is a type of abuse. Usually a spouse or partner is involved in causing injury to the other spouse or partner. However, domestic violence can also involve a parent, child or other family member. The single most influential factor of domestic violence in society is the continuation of a generational cycle of abuse and/or a history of abuse in the family of origin. It is also linked to a person who has poor self-esteem (Life challenges, 2002). Domestic violence, sometimes called battering, family violence, or intimate partner violence, is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence. Domestic violence can include physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, economic abuse, and/or sexual abuse. Abusers use threats, intimidation, isolation, and other behaviors to gain and maintain power over their victims. One in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Domestic violence occurs in same-sex relationships and men can be victims as well. The...

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Somatic Psychotherapy

...Even after a control was established for injured or wounded, the results still continued to be significant. There were two main conclusions drawn from the data collected: Firstly, there is a large amount of occurrences of PTSD and its highly correlated health problems among Iraq War veterans, which effects the vital implications for medical service necessities. Secondly, the side-effects of PTSD can manifest physically through the development of health problems and combat victims with severe somatic distresses should be screened for...

Words: 1328 - Pages: 6