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Distance Learning


Submitted By arijackson
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Pages 1
Distance learning is a great way to get a degree and still stay in the comfort of your own home as well as deal with other life activities as they may occur. With distance learning it is easy to work into your hectic schedule because there is no set time that you have to be online and all you need is a basic knowledge of the internet. University of Phoenix offers online courses for a number of degree programs, using the internet or the web to complete each given task by each instructor you are assigned to. The online courses has three main categories that you must keep up with and submit each week, one being discussion questions, and other being assignments and finally participation. There are also four electronic forums for these online courses: main, chat room, course material, and individual. Each allows you to give and receive feedback. To get counted as an active student & get points for your participation grade you have to post in the threaded discussion twice a day three days out of a work week. There will also be weekly assignments to complete and post on the electronic forum for your teacher to review and grade. For the convenience of students University of Phoenix uses asynchronous communication making it where each student does not need to be present or online at the same time to participate. This makes it beyond flexible for each student to respond when their time allows them

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