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“Do We Need More Regulation on Food? Why or Why Not?”


Submitted By MEER11
Words 1788
Pages 8
“Do we need more regulation on food? Why or why not?” Food regulation is a developing concept that constantly requires attention and iteration in order to minimize food safety and health risk and best manage and communicate these risks. Food Regulation is the production, processing, distribution, retail, packaging and labeling of food items and constituents that are governed by a mass of laws, regulation, codes of practice and guidance. Similarly, food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation and storage of food to prevent foodborne illness. Though similar, the differentiating factor is that food safety informs food regulations. Consider food safety as the assessment and food regulation as the management and communication domains to reduce risks. The current piece will evaluate the scope of food regulation and look at how it has been developing over the years. The current piece highlights the mechanism of food regulation, explores major players and shares several differentiated case studies to further navigate food regulation problems and implementations. Over the course of history, food regulations, both proposed and implemented, have represented the primary concerns that arose during a certain period of time. Food regulation has been enforced since 300 BCE and since then, one of the most important food regulations was enacted in 1906 through the Pure Food and Drugs Act. The Pure Food and Drugs act prohibited interstate commerce of misbranded and adulterated food, drinks, and drugs (U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2012). In 1906, the use of synthetic chemicals in food processing and labeling of food products arose. When food manufacturers misused these two components, such as adulterating food by using chemical additives that were deemed harmful to the health of consumers, this act was implemented to prevent

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