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Emotional Disorder


Submitted By akarka
Words 2281
Pages 10
Emotional Disorders and its
Impact in a Child’s Life

Lipscomb University


This paper explores the different impacts that Emotional Disorders can have on a child’s life. It will cover the impact on the child’s learning, on the classroom, and on the child’s family. The research for this paper was conducted online and offline. Some of the content is reflected from personal experiences. This paper will discuss some characteristics of Emotional Disorders, how the parents can help their child grow, the best ways for the child to learn, and some suggestions for teachers that may have a child with this disability in their classroom.

Emotional Disorders and its
Impact in a Child’s Life The day you find out you are going to become a parent is a very emotional time. You have certain expectations, dreams, hope, fear, and an overwhelming feeling of being a protector. As a parent you want the very best for your child and you vow to never let anyone or anything hurt them. When that new baby is placed in your arms you are filled with love, excitement, and joy. You pray that your child will be happy and healthy. You have dreams that your child will live a very full, exciting, happy life. But when you are told that your child has a disability your world changes, your hopes and dreams are suddenly replaced with fear and uncertainty. You are now the parent of a child that will need special care and attention for the rest of their life. You are confused and scared, and one of the biggest fears is that you do not know what the future holds.
A child with an emotional disorder can cause profound effects on the family. With constant outburst, crying, aggressive behavior, withdrawal, depression, and learning difficulties a family will spend a lot of time taking care of the child. The parents will feel guilty and blame their selves for the child’s condition. They

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