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English Reflection


Submitted By srosander01
Words 317
Pages 2
I have learned a lot from English 2010 this semester. The writing projects that we were asked to do was very valuable experiences. I learned to write in different styles. I learned to research my subject material, and cite those sources. I learned to manage my time in a way that enabled me to complete all of these projects in a timely manner, while trying to stay on top of my other courses, as well as working around my full-time work schedule. It hasn’t been easy, that’s for sure. There are only so many hours in a day and a week to get those things done that we need to. The assignments that I added to my portfolio were ones that I really liked to work on. It was great to experience a personal interview with an Olympic athlete, and having to find the time to work out an interview with someone whose time is so valuable was a wonderful way to learn about the interview process. I also added my collaborative assignment to my portfolio. This was a harder project to work on because I have never had to write a paper with someone else, let alone with someone that I have never met. I found that being a working student, and having a partner that also works as well as raises a child, it is difficult to find the time to communicate with another party in order to figure out the process that you are going to work through to create a document together. Bottom line…it can be done, and I think that I have a better understanding of what it takes to get this type of task accomplished. Overall, this has been a good experience. I have a lot to learn about the writing process, and should get the opportunity to develop my styles as I continue on with my education.

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