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Essay On Cortes

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Countries for riches worked together to make a world of exploration and conquer. 1492 - 1506 spaniards have been discovering new resources and conquering land from the caribbeans, northern americas, and southern americas. Meanwhile the new world were establishing new societies such as the aztec who are famous for their architecture and art work which made them rulers of the capital city called Tenochtitlán(Mexico City). In 1519 about 500 spaniards left cuba to and arrived at the coast of mexico, they were lead by a man named Hernán Cortés whose orders were to leave their base and conquer mexico, and to collect all the gold and riches that were rumored to be there. Cortes and his men started headed towards Tenochtitlan but along the way they allied with the Tlaxcalteca, who have been abstracted by the aztecs. Most of the natives thought the cortes was a god because of the armor and armored horses that him and his men brought. Montezuma II, the leader of the aztecs at the time, heard of the spaniards coming and gave them gifts to try and soothe them and even welcomed them himself. Cortez saw that he was obviously outnumbered so he kidnaped THe leader and left killing him in the process. In 1521 Cortes returned with the mindset of taking over the city, yet he was outnumbered but he had firepower with him and cut of their food and water supply. It took 3 months before the aztec surrendered losing 200,000 of their men. Some of them died in combat but most actually died because of smallpox, which the europeans brought with them and the natives had no resistance of the outbreak. Years later another general had a …show more content…
After the european conquest the natives americans were under there wings of monarch, they were classified as second- class citizens at best. Government positions, land, and most other resources went to

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