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Essay on Crimea


Submitted By maneesh12jacob
Words 1020
Pages 5
Name Date Comp I The Bear is moving in, what will the Eagle do? On February 28, Russian troop aided by the pro-Moscow militant group occupied strategic sites and building across the Crimean Peninsula under the pretense of “protecting Russian people.” Now Crimea is under the direct control of Moscow. The Russian parliament has voted to annex the region into the Russian Federation. There was a mass rally in the capital of Ukraine. The demonstration brought down the Russian backed President Viktor Yanukovych. Moscow could not tolerate this. So they decided to violate the Ukrainian territorial integrity and invaded Crimea. Soon after the invasion there was a dubious referendum in Crimea under the watchful eyes of Russian troop. About ninety six percentage of the population voted to join Russia. So now the Crimea is an independent province of Russian Federation. This is a failure for the Obama administration’s foreign policy in Europe. U.S reduced its forces in Europe in the recent years and this led the Russians to be more aggressive toward their European neighbors. Let us look at some of the article for proof. The editorial “After Crimea” published in April 2014 in the magazine America, says “the United States and the European allies are in no position to push the Russians out of Crimea.” This editorial suggests that the United States and NATO should increase sanction against Russia. Rather than going to war with the Russians. Impose sanction to bring down the Russian ruble and their stock market. Editorial also suggest that the United States should stay focus on assisting the Ukrainian Economy. Although it is not stated, in the editorial I assume why the author wrote, “United States and the European allies are in no position to push the Russians out of Crimea.” Because United States has reduced its military presence in Europe and that allowed the Russian to become more aggressive in the region. Another suggestion is that we should increase economic aid to Ukraine. Rachel Brody says in the U.S News Digital Weekly that there was a ninety-minute converstion between President Obama and Putin, which made no progress. However, Secretary of state John Kerry traveled to Ukraine to meet with Ukraine’s Government. In a show of support for Ukraine’s shaky government and a new swipe at Russia, Secretary of State John Kerry visited Ukraine in March with an offer of one billion dollars in an American loan guarantee and pledges of technical assistance. Colleen Curry of ABC News says “The aid is made up of a one billion dollar loan guarantee as well as technical and financial experts to help the Ukraine’s bank and finance ministry with its financial affairs and help prepare the country for national elections in May.” United State is giving out a one billion dollar loan to the financial institution in Ukraine to prepare for the election. We have helped so many countries in the past across the world. We gave them money, we rebuild nations, our government is doing great things across the globe to satisfy our allies but when we look within our country but we have this tremendous debt of seventeen trillion dollars or more. What are we doing to decrease our debt? What about the future of our children? What about the future our nation? It is not as if we have all this free money in our pocket to give away. Why is it that the United States not getting involved in the African nations? Why are we ignoring the other side of the coin? Our children should not have to suffer for the mistake our leaders are creating, they deserve better. Global security is important but also we should not forget to secure our future. Another idea is that Russia is recapturing the former USSR states. According to an article written by Michael Crowley in Time magazine. ““Does Putin want more of Ukraine?” Putin has repeatedly said based on little evidence that parts of eastern Ukraine has a large ethnic Russian population, they are being threatened, and they need protection. However, if Putin does move into eastern Ukraine, It will not be easy as Crimea. He will face large resistance from the army and the local militias.” Putin and Russia is like termites. They just go and invade sovereign nations just because people in that region speak Russian. It is like United States taking over United Kingdom just because they speak English. Simon Shuster from the time magazine wrote an article titled “Morning After In Crimea.” In this article, he explains how the Russian gave Crimes to Ukraine in 1954. “Crimea was a gift from USSR in 1954 by late President Nikita Khrushchev. So they believe it is rightfully theirs.” Therefore, Crimea was a gift to Ukraine from USSR during the cold war era. In conclusion, I believe United States have a serious responsibility when it comes to Europe. We have many friends in that continent. We should increase our presence in Europe, especially in central Europe and support our allies. Russia can become a great threat to United States again if we allow them to continue the path they choose to go. We need a President like Ronald Raegan who has the courage to stand up to Russia. At same time, we should not be ignorant when it comes to our internal problems. Somehow, we should balance both. Russia is becoming more and more aggressive and we must stand with our allies to support and defend them.

Works Cited “After Crimea” Editorial. America. 7 Apr 2014: Page 5. Print. Brody, Rachel “Should the U.S Be Doing More to Help Ukraine?” U.S news Digital Weekly. 3 Mar 2014, Vol.6 Issue 10, p 36. Curry, Colleen “Why is the US Sending $1 Billion to Ukraine?” 4 Mar 2014. Crowley, Michael. “3 big questions Facing Putin and the West after Crimea Vote.” 3 Mar 2014, p1-1. Shuster, Simon. “Morning After In Crimea.” Time 31 Mar. 2014: 12-13.

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