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Essay On Smart Environment

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Imagine how IoT can improve our quality of life. Suppose somebody has broken into your house. The intelligent house’s intruder sensor detects the presence of an authorized person, as opposed to domestic cat, while you are away enjoying your holidays. It automatically alerts your housing area residential security guards and the nearest police with available on-duty personnel. It also activates dozens of extra surveillance security camera inside/outside of the house and the residential area equipped with advance iris/face and plate number recognition that are connected to the national criminal database. Soon afterwards it promptly message you (the owner) a comprehensive report that includes the visual along with the details of the incident. A customized version of the report is sent to your local police station and another version to your house insurance company responsible for your burglary policy. This imaginary intelligent home situational response system certainly provides peace of mind to the house owner, reduce the …show more content…
Currently, we are in the post-PC era where smart-phones and other handheld devices are changing our environment by making it more interactive as well as informative. Mark Weiser, the forefather of ubicomp, defined a smart environment as ‘‘the physical world that is richly and invisibly interwoven with sensors, actuators, displays, and computational elements, embedded seamlessly in the everyday objects of our lives, and connected through a continuous network.’’ The creation of the Internet has marked a foremost milestone toward achieving ubicomp’s vision which enables individual devices to communicate with any other device in the world. The amount of distributed computing resources and storage owned by various

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