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Essay On Value Of Knowledge

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“Without application in the world, the value of knowledge is greatly diminished.” Consider this claim with respect to two areas of knowledge.

Different viewpoints generate disparate definitions of value. Utilitarian perspective suggests that the value is proportional to the degree to which a certain concept promotes happiness (Nathanson, 2000) whereas deontological point of view, in which completing his or her duty is considered rightful, implies that value is given to the actions that fulfil one’s duty in the society. (Mastin, 2008) For the purpose of this essay, value herein refers to all positive ramifications that arise from a concept to be judged. With this definition of value in mind, I am of an emphatic opinion that application thoroughly increases the value of knowledge and without it, the value inevitably abates. To begin with, application of historical knowledge into the present predicament often results in a significant increase in its …show more content…
Humourism, researched by mainstream Ancient Greek and Roman doctors represented by Galenos, proposed that health is determined by the balance of the four fluids in a body: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. (Osborn, 2007) The historical formation of this knowledge was momentous because it was the first theory ever that analysed illnesses from scientific perspective, rather than in divine pursuits. However, when people applied this knowledge on their patients, not only their methods did not work but public also started to disbelieve medicine as a way to treat their illness, phenomenon which elevated the sense of anxiety throughout the European society. Hence, it seems logical to believe that the extrinsic value of humourism as historical knowledge decreased due to its

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