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Ethical and Socially Responsible Business


Submitted By Dmack01
Words 418
Pages 2
Ethical a Socially Responsible Business

1. Describe key areas of the selected company’s code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business, and explain why.
Ethical and social responsibility of a company are critical to the integrity of the organization and how the community at large views and supports the organization. As stated by Kelly, McGowen, & Williams, 2014, Ethics is about standards of beliefs regarding right and wrong, good and bad and business ethics is how this is applied in the workplace. In business, ethics is directed towards the conduct of individual employees of the organization with regard to their daily behavior. However, Social Responsibility is the organizations obligation to contribute to the great good of society.
Chipolte has specific polic in their code of conduct that specifically address holders, who are As a Service Representative working with customers on a daily basis for Enterprise Rent-A-Car, sustaining effective communications with our customers and my co-workers is essential in accomplishing and maintaining my daily work activities,
2) Explain the steps that the company should take to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct.
The communication was effective and valued; the customer was contacted, informed, apologized to about the reservation issue and was supported with future service that will be completely satisfied. It provides the management team detailed understanding and awareness that there was a serious matter at hand that was causing a solemn disservice to our customers while frustrating the team as well. Management took immediate action to address the issue, they communicated with the employees whom could effectively assist in a swift unified manner in fixing the problem. This provided the team with the tools to be more proficient and productive in assisting the customer while

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