Premium Essay



Submitted By Heidi1
Words 1960
Pages 8

According to (, 2015) operations management is “The design, execution, and control of operations that convert resources into desired goods and services, and implement a company's business strategy.”
Operations management is an extremely important function for businesses today whether it be a product and or service. The use of operations management is not determined by the size of a business because every business will have either a product or service and which they will want to be effective and to be as efficient as possible. Operations management will determine how the business or organisation will efficiently and effectively create and deliver their products and or services. These products and or services can be almost anything in the world today, they can be college lectures, car servicing, hospitals, physicians, and charities. When we go into a car dealer to buy a new car operations management have played the key part of getting the product to the customer by the use of automated machines that help build the car to the customers required specification. Operations managers are hired to achieve the overall business objective of getting the product and or service created and delivered to the customer as soon as possible. The operations managers will also help to offer suggestions on ways to improve a product or service. These improvements will untimely benefit the customer or to keep up with changing trends.
In this assignment I will compare two hotels, the Formule 1 hotel and the Mwagusi Safari Lodge. I will examine what the role of technology is within both hotels and also the role operations staff play when they are delivering an appropriate level of service. I will also explain the main differences in the operations management challenges that face both the Formule 1 and The Mwagusi Safari Lodge.

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