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Fundamentals of Fragrance Assignment #1


Submitted By valecho94
Words 873
Pages 4
Valentina Cho
COSM 2350
Fundamentals of Fragrance Assignment #1

1. What is the dime sized patch in the upper air passages of the nose that give us our sense of smell?
A dime-size patch of olfactory membrane in each of the upper air passages of the nose contains the nerve endings that give us our sense of smell.

2. Where in the brain is the sense of smell first processed?
The sense of smell, however, is first processed in the limbic lobe, one of the oldest parts of the brain and the seat of sexual and emotional impulses.

3. Who pronounced smell the most unimportant of all the senses? Immanuel Kant pronounced smell the most unimportant of the senses and unworthy of cultivation.

4. Umeda hunters were reported to sleep with what under their pillows and why? Umeda hunters in New Guinea were reported to sleep with bundles of herbs under their pillows in order to inspire dreams of a successful hunt that they could follow, like a map, when they awoke the next day.

5. The Berbers of Morocco were known to inhale the fragrant smoke of pennyroyal, thyme, rosemary and laurel as a cure for what?
The Berbers of Morocco were known to inhale the fragrant smoke of pennyroyal, thyme, rosemary, and laurel as a cure for headaches and fever. They believed that smelling a narcissus flower could protect them from syphilis, and that malicious spirits could be forced from the body by the scent of burning benzoin mixed with rue, and consumed in the aromatic fires.

6. Olfactory impresses are the intermediate between what?
Olfactory impressions are intermediate between the vagueness of touch or taste and the richness and variety of sight and hearing.

7. The earliest perfumers we know of were what?
The earliest perfumers we know of were Egyptian priests, who blended the juices expressed from succulent flowers and plants, the pulp of fruits, spices, resins and

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