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Gender Differences In Sports Essay

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Professional sport is a phenomenon of considerable importance to many, especially in the United States, leading it to attract major recognition by the media (Raney & Bryant, 2006). Super Bowl 50’s audience was the third largest in history, with 111.9 million television viewers (Pallotta & Stelter, 2016). Not only are major sporting events broadcasted and analyzed by many television stations strictly devoted to sports, but they are also covered by local and national news channels and newspapers as well as internet-based news outlets. With that being said, sports in the media has a deep impact in molding American society (Macri, 2012). History has shown that the industry of sports media has been a male-dominated territory (Hardin & Shain, 2005). Women have come a long way, fighting for equality in the work place since Title IX was passed in 1972, stating that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected …show more content…
As of 2014, according to their findings, only 9.9% of sports editors for Associated Press Sports Editors (APSE) newspapers and websites as females and there are only 48 total female anchors, reporters, analysts and contributors at ESPN (Ohio University, 2016). There is a persistent defectiveness and sexist outlook that females are not as involved in or knowledgeable about sports as men are. While this rational may seem obsolete, things are not that skewed from it being common and generally agreed upon. According to the same Ohio University’s findings, females are not only involved in sports, but actually serve as a considerable piece of the fan base for America’s three most popular sports: 45% of the NFL fan base, 47% of the MLB’s fan base and 40% of the NBA’s fan

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