Premium Essay



Submitted By Sallov
Words 387
Pages 2
The text is about Gerard, who is driving home from his work a cold December night. His thinking about his past and whether his life is special or just regular. The point of view is from Gerard; we see all things from his perspective. The paper will focus on the use of contracts and mood in the story. Gerard loves women’s; he likes to have sex with women’s. The love of his live was laurel:” He and Laurel met at a dinner party, they talked for hours and they felt they were catching up, even though they haven’t met”. Gerard is talking about footprints in the snow, and that they disappear in the snow, we get a impression that Gerard feels like his life is meaningless, because he feels like:” Gerard thinks of his own footprints and how soon they will disappear (…)’’He wonders if his life is an extraordinary one”.
Laurel and Issy are the stories main contracts. Gerard likes them equally in to different ways. Lauren is the right women for Gerard, but Gerard´s attraction to other women’s is to big:” Gerard vaguely remembers the feeling of being in loved with laurel and desire to have sex with Issy”. Gerard choices Issy because he finds her attractive in a different way than Laurel. Issy is not the right women for Gerard because she lies too much. One thing that indicates that Issy is bad is that she abandoned her own child, so she can live out her own dream as an actor. Its like that Gerard biggest love is his daughter Issy:” Gerard feels stabbing love for his daughter”(..)” he has never know such devotion”(..)”I love her I’m her father. I want the best for her. The weather changes from the start to the end. The snow development can be interpreted together with Gerard´s emotional development. When snow starts to develop, Gerard sees laurel he has been in love with the last 8 years that can be interpreted in that way that the weather is similar to Gerards situation

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