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Gun Regulation Debate


Submitted By atoria1
Words 859
Pages 4
Demonstrative Communication Torey Flowers BCOM/275 May 5, 2013 Karin Moughler

Demonstrative Communication
Demonstrative Communication is a form of communication that includes nonverbal and unwritten means of communicating. Demonstrative communication involves facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice, hand gestures, and eye contact. This form of communication can cause misunderstandings between individuals at times, because of the nature of communication. It can also show a shared understanding between individuals with little or no verbal communication at all. This form of communication can be effective if interpreted properly. This form of communication may also be ineffective because of its nonverbal nature. This may cause misinterpretations of the message being communicated. Although this form of communication is nonverbal it still requires thorough listening and responding.
Demonstrative communication can have many positive effects for the sender and receiver of the message. One of the main examples of demonstrative communication method is through facial expressions. Facial expression results from the specific social or emotional meaning conveyed by different types of expressions (D’Argembeau,A., & Van der Linden, M. (2011). Facial expressions with a happy face can enlighten a message. A facial expression can display whether the sender of the message is happy, angry, or shocked. For example, your boss calls you in his office to explain to you (with a smile on his face) that you are moving to a new department. This indicates to you that this was a good move, a promotional move. This brings joy to you because it gives you a sense of importance to your boss. Another example could be a two people walking down the street, the two people pass each other, one person speaks and the other person responds with a smile. The person

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