Premium Essay

Help Me to Help Myself


Submitted By banukerk
Words 2194
Pages 9
My first experience of how much a child craves independence was through my daughter. Contrary to my belief that a child would need much dependence on his/her parents, she showed me otherwise. Her burning curiosity towards activities which we as adults perform as second nature, and her desire to try them out on her own was so prevalent - she would exclaim ‘I want to do it all by myself’ - then exuberate tremendous joy over her accomplishment, boasting ‘I did it all by myself!’ - this unfolded a learning process for me - her desire to discover her environment on her own was so natural, that no matter how much I tried to help her, her desperation to do it on her own would prevail.

Maria Montessori (1988, p83) described a child’s first natural instinct to be “ … to carry out his actions by himself, without anyone helping him, and his first conscious bid for independence is made when he defends himself against those who try do the action for him”. I firmly believe in Montessori’s principles, which respect and liberate the child - have utmost faith the child will reach his/her own potential if given the freedom to do so. Her methods enable the child to reach self-worth through success and self-mastery by teaching him/herself, and to achieve internal discipline through self-control. The child is prepared for life and equipped as a self-reliant, motivated individual.

Montessori designed the ‘favorable environment’ (MCI, 2013) to meet the child’s individual needs, with the aim of developing his/her true potential. In this essay I will seek to describe Montessori’s model of the favorable environment, including the role of the adult, and explain how it supports children’s developing independence.

Psychological research shows that autonomy is a basic need in people - the ability to have choice and control are optimal for learning and wellbeing (Ryan & Deci 2000 in

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