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How Did Ancient Rome Change Over Time

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Sports in ancient Rome have changed dramatically over the years, but have also impacted modern day America and our sports today significantly. There are some sports that ancient Rome didn’t have but modern America has such as basketball, football, soccer, tennis, and hockey. Also back in ancient Rome there were lots of rules that America didn't have. One of the rules were women could not take part in these activities. Ancient Rome was strict about who was allowed to play in typical sports. Some people hated to play sports because of the rules. One of the most popular sports in ancient Rome was boxing. Boxing gloves were made of raw ox-hide. In America, boxing gloves are made of soft leather straps. In ancient Rome, you used your right hand to fight and your left hand to defend. Today, America uses both of your hands to fight …show more content…
It was almost like Rome had a role model for sports. Rome’s role model was ancient Greece. Ancient Greece developed the Olympics and lots of other things. Rome started practicing, and now they compete in the Olympic Games, and Greece is their main rival. There is a another sport that Rome and modern day America have in common. That one sport is baseball. In Rome, you had to be Catholic to play baseball. In America, you have to be in a league for adults, and it is called Major league Baseball (MLB) or minor league. In ancient Rome, baseball wasn’t that popular, but in America it is the #1 popular sport. There are certain sports that Romans have to compete in during their Olympic Games. Ancient Rome competed in 10 different events in the Olympics.In America, you have up to almost 50 sports to choose from.There are six sports that Rome and America compete in together.In Rome, I think that you only have summer sports. That is why they have so few competitive activities in the Olympics. America has winter and summer sports, therefore they have many more Olympic

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