Premium Essay

Human Resources Risk


Submitted By koolselecta501
Words 975
Pages 4
An internet usage policy provides employees with rules and guidelines about the appropriate use of company equipment, network and Internet access. Having such a policy in place helps to protect both the business and the employee; the employee will be aware that browsing certain sites or downloading files is prohibited and that the policy must be adhered to or there could be serious repercussions, thus leading to fewer security risks for the business as a result of employee negligence. The Internet Usage Policy is an important document that must be signed by all employees upon starting work. Below is a Sample Internet Usage Policy that covers the main points of contention dealing with Internet and computer usage. The policy can then be tailored to the requirements of the specific organization.

Internet usage policy
This Sample Internet Usage Policy applies to all employees of <company> who have access to computers and the Internet to be used in the performance of their work. Use of the Internet by employees of <company> is permitted and encouraged where such use supports the goals and objectives of the business. However, access to the Internet through <company> is a privilege and all employees must adhere to the policies concerning Computer, Email and Internet usage. Violation of these policies could result in disciplinary and/or legal action leading up to and including termination of employment. Employees may also be held personally liable for damages caused by any violations of this policy. All employees are required to acknowledge receipt and confirm that they have understood and agree to abide by the rules hereunder.

Computer, email and internet usage * Company employees are expected to use the Internet responsibly and productively. Internet access is limited to job-related activities only and personal use is not permitted *

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