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I Want To Volunteer In Elementary School

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I love to volunteer and I have always had a willing attitude to help out wherever I am needed. In elementary school I would finish my assignments early so I could help other kids and would stay after school to tutor my fellow students. This was a great way for me to interact with my classmates and get to know them better. Later on, I was inducted into the National Elementary Honor Society. As I transitioned into middle school I had more opportunities to serve in my community by being Student Council Treasurer. I tutored kids before school hours with a program called Math-Lab at my school and I also was volunteering at my local church. In addition to that, I was an office aide at my school and I was a member of National Junior Honor Society. NJHS gave me opportunities to volunteer in elementary schools in my area and help with food drives. During the summer, I have volunteered at my local library for the Summer Reading Program, to promote reading all year long. At the library I had a lot of time to interact with people of all ages, from infants to adults. This really humbled me and put me in a place where I could be an example to many children. …show more content…
Currently, I am a member of National Honor Society and Student Council where I, along with my fellow students, am working on my school prom, school assemblies, and helping hurricane victims nation

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