Premium Essay

Junk Food Cause and Effect


Submitted By orteroaubert
Words 647
Pages 3
Ortero Aubert
American Intercontinental University
English Composition
November 10th, 2013

Eating junk food can have a major negative impact on one's health. Though many people enjoy eating junk food and think it tastes great, the health risk and consequences can be very effective, and can range from everything to low energy levels to weight gain and illness. The term "junk food" encompasses a fairly broad category of food, but it typically refers to foods that are relatively high in caloric content, but low in nutritional value. Junk food is often high in sugar, salt, and fat, particularly saturated fat. It is often heavily processed and prepackaged, making it easy to prepare and eat.
A few examples of foods often considered to be junk food include fast food, sweets such as ice cream, candy, debbie cakes, donuts, pre packaged treats, soda, and potato chips, among many others. Most people have no trouble pinpointing junk food; it is when they want to stop eating junk food that the trouble starts. The first effect of eating junk food is its impact on energy levels. The junk food causes energy levels to shoot up, which people like, but then energy levels will quickly crash, sending one back into the kitchen for another quick snack. In addition, junk food can cause moodiness, and make it difficult to get enough sleep at night, so energy levels are never restored to normal. Which means yes you will find yourself repeatedly looking for quick snacks throughout that night.
Junk food doesn't contain the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. As a result, you may feel chronically fatigued leaving your body weak with the lack energy you need to complete daily tasks. The high levels of sugar in junk food puts your metabolism under stress; when you eat refined sugar, your pancreas secretes high amounts of insulin to prevent a dangerous spike in blood sugar levels.

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