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Submitted By Leapapps
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Dear Kaitlyn,

It feels like it was just yesterday when I was in the car coming home from the showoff balling my eyes out reading your letter. Our last first time competing as a Starlite felt so bittersweet, but if only we knew how the last competition would feel. We’ve really been through it all. And I truly mean that. We’ve seen each other 3x a week, spent every weekend together from January-April for the past two years. I cant even fathom what it will or would be like not seeing you that much. I cant even handle a week without having withdrawals. Theres certain people you come across in life that you were meant to meet. And I truly believe we were because I couldn’t have done anything without you, especially this year. If I wrote every stupid memory weve had together I would be writing a book…literally. I mean we were automactially bffs once we found out we both were obsessed with sushi, were fake blondes, and loved boys. Were like partners in crime and its never a dull moment when were together. Its been one crazy journey this year but im happy to look back and say we did it (bc we really thought we were gonna die:/) From falling together in AC to winning NCA there hasn’t been a challenge that we didn’t overcome. We’ve seen eachother on our best days and worst (Sunday hangovers) and I wouldn’t trade a second of it. Seriously I don’t know what I would do without you. Giving me advice about boys or cheer or life or anything I always knew I could count on you to have my back. I’m beyond blessed to call you my best friend and that will never change. When you look back on this season I hope you remember a few things… How scared we were during our first competitions.. omg thinking about it makes me want to puke. Marking and talking threw the routine saying ok we got this almost done push. Losing to ECE like 3 times in a row haha we were so pissed.. Falling in jumps to back and I swear you kicked me!! But hey you win together and fall together. Trying to find sushi at like 12 pm on a comp night. Talking about boys every practice and wanting to kill Amy. Going full out and basically crying because we knew we were going to die.

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Alam Sekitar Menurut Islam

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