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Lesson Plan in Math


Submitted By aiza0430
Words 1285
Pages 6
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics II

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to: * Visualize unit fractions with denominators 10 and below. * Identify unit fractions with denominators 10 and below. * Work cooperatively with teammates.

II. Subject Matter
Topic: Unit Fractions
Reference: Teacher Guide for Mathematics Grade 2 pp. 216-217
Materials: chalkboard, illustrations, realias, worksheets, sticks

III. Procedure Teacher’s ActivityA. Preparatory Activities 1. Prayer“Sunny will you lead ou prayer?” 2. Greetings “Good morning, class!” “Take your seat.” 3. Checking of Attendance“Class monitors, who are absent today?” 4. Energizer“To start our day, let us first do an ice breaker. So kindly stand up.”“Let us have an exercise. I will show you the steps and you will repeat after me.” 5. Drill“I have here a basket of different fruits and vegtables. Classify whether it is divided into halves or fourths. State your answer by raising your sticks. 6. Motivation“Do you want to hear a story? ”“Alright then, I will tell you a story entitled Snack Time”. Pay attention and listen to me carefully.”SNACK TIMEOne day Sunny is playing outside when she heard her mom calling “Sunny come here quickly! I prepare some snacks for you.” said Sunny’s mom.“ I’m hungry! I’m going to eat some snacks. I’ll continue playing later.” she thought.So she went into the kitchen. She found some snacks that her mom prepared. There is a pizza with 8 slices, an apple with 4 slices, and a banana cut into 3 parts.She got a slice of a pizza and ate it. “Hmmm!It is so good! Now let me have an apple.” She then consumed 1 slice of an apple. “That apple tastes so sweet. Now let me have a banana.” She picked one part of banana and ate it all up. “Hmm... it taste a little bland. “ I’m full now. Thank you for the snacks mom!” said Sunny. Then she went back to play outside.The EndB. Presentation“Class, can you tell me what was the story all about?”“That is right! Give me some examples of Sunny’s snacks.”“Good! How about another one?”“Very good! And the last one?”“Excellent! Give yourselves an ang galing-galing clap.”“Class I told you that story because it is related to our topic for today which is Unit Fraction. “Now let u go back to the snacks. We will find out what part of each snack Sunny had eaten.” “What was the first snack eaten by Sunny?”“Jelly come here in front. Look at the pizza closely and count how many slices it has.”“Very good!It has 8 slices.Can you tell me how many slice of pizza Sunny had eaten?”“That is correct! In order for us to find out what part of the pizza was eaten by Sunny. We just need to count the number of slices she had eaten over the total number of pizza slices. Now, can you tell me what part of the pizza was eaten by Sunny?”“Excellent! Give yourselves a darna clap!”“What was the second snack Sunny had eaten?”“Can you tell me how many slices of apples are there?”“How many slice was eaten by Sunny?”“Therefore, what part of the apple Sunny had consumed?”“How did you say so?”“Excellent! How about the last one? What part of the banana was eaten by Sunny?”“That is right! Give yourselves an ang ganda-ganda/gwapo-gwapo ko clap!”“Look at the numbers I had written on the board. These are examples of unit fractions. These are parts of the snacks Sunny had eaten. Let us take the part of pizza eaten by Sunny as an example. As you can see it is composed of two numbers divided by a bar line. 1 is the numerator and 8 is the denominator. Do you have any idea what is a numerator?“How about the denominator?”That is correct. The number above the line is called ‘Numerator’, while the number at the bottom is called the ‘Denominator.’ The denominator tells how many equal 'pieces' something has been divided into while the nuerator shows how many part was taken from the denominator.” Now can you tell me what number is the numerator in this example (1/4)?”“Correct! How about the denominator?”“Good? Now let’s try this (1/3. Tell me what is the numerator and denominator.”“Very well! How about this one (1/5)?”“great! How about the last one (1/7)“Excellent! Give yourselves a jeepney clap!”“Now from these given examples can you tell me what do we mean by unit fraction?”C. Practical Exercises“Now to further exercise what you have learned, let us have some group activity. Divide yourselves into 2 groups. I will give each group an envelop containing sets of unit fractions. Place the correct unit fraction of the illustrations posted on the board. ”E. Generalization“What do you mean by unit fraction?”“Very good! Can you tell me what is a numerator?“How about the denominator?”“ Correct! Now if I have cake with 10 slices and I ate 1 slice of it, what part of the cake have I eaten?”“what is the numerator in that unit fraction?”“How about the denominator?”“Excellent! Give yourselves a dora clap!” | Learners’ ActivityThe pupils will pray.“ Good morning ma’am, good morning classmates.”“Thank you ma’am.”Class monitors will tell who is/are absent.Pupils will stand up.Children will follow the teacher.Childre will state their answer using the sticks given to them.“Yes we do!”Children listen as the teacher tells the story.“The story is about Sunny and the snacks she ate.”“She ate a pizza.”“ An apple teacher.”“ She also had a banana.”“1,2,3... 1,2,3... ang galing-galing!“The first snack that Sunny had eaten is a pizza, teacher!”“1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8... It has 8 slices teacher!”“She only ate 1 slice.”“The part of the pizza that Sunny had eaten is 1/8 .”“1,2,3... 1,2,3... Ding ang bato!darna!”“The second snack Sunny had eaten was an apple.”“There are 4 slices”“She ate only 1 slice”“He consumed 1/4 of the apple!”“Because she ate just 1 slice of the apple and the total numbers of slices are 4, therefore the part he had eaten is 1/4 .”“He ate 1/3 of the banana.”“1,2,3... 1,2,3... ang ganda-ganda/gwapo-gwapo ko!”“The numerator is the number at the top of a unit fraction.”“It is the number at the bottom of the unit fraction.”“The numearator is 1.”“The denominator is 4.”“The numerator is 1 and the denominator is 3!”“1 is the numerator and 5 is the denominator.”“The numerator is 1 and the denominator is 7!”“1,2,3... 1,2,3... Beep! Beep!”“Unit fraction is a fraction with a numerator of “1”Children will group themselves and do their activity.““Unit fraction is a fraction with a numerator of “1”“Numerator is the top number of the fraction”“The denominator is the bottom number of the fraction.”“You have eaten 1/10 of the cake, teacher.”“The numerator is 1.”“The denominator is 10.”“1,2,3... 1,2,3... We did it! We did it! Hooray!” |

IV. Evaluation
Match Column A with Column B. Draw lines to connect each fraction with the correct diagram.
3 A B

_1_ 9

_1_ 7

_1_ 6

V. Assignment
Write 10 examples of unit fractions on your assignment notebook.

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