Premium Essay



Submitted By leshaken
Words 10055
Pages 41
|1. Lexicology as a branch of |3. Etymological survey of the |4. Types of word meaning. Word |5. Change of meaning in English. |№ 6 Polysemy in English. |№ 7 Homonymy in English. Polysemy vs|
|linguistics. Lexical units. |English lexicon. |meaning and motivation. |Word-meaning is liable to change in |1. The semantic structure of the |homonymy |
|Lexicology (from Gr lexis ‘word’ and|The term “etymology” comes from |Types of word meaning |the course of the historical |word does not present an indivisible|Homonyms are words that sound alike |
|logos ‘learning’) is the part of |Greek and it means the study of the |(classifications): |development of language. Causes of |unity, nor does it necessarily stand|but have different semantic |
|linguistics dealing with the |earlist forms of the word. Now |According to the aspect relation of |Semantic Change |for one concept. It is generally |structure. The problem of homonymy |
|vocabulary of the language and the |etymology studies both: the form and|a word to the components of the |extra-linguistic — various changes |known that most words possess a |is mainly the problem of |
|properties of words as the main |the meaning of borrowed and native |situation where it is used: |in the life of the speech community,|number of meanings. Polysemy – |differentiation between two |
|units of language. |words. As for English language many |Referential meaning — determined by |changes in economic and social |coexistence within one word several |different semantic structures of |
|Lexicology has an object of its |scientist consider the foreign |the relation of

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