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Life Without Media


Submitted By OneDirectionGirl
Words 314
Pages 2
My eight hours without mass media was not as difficult as I first thought it would be. To start, I strategically decided to do my eight hours on a Sunday for two main reasons. One, I would be at church for at least 2 of those hours and I know I never use my phone or other technologies there, and two, Sundays are usually my biggest homework days where I take time and organize my work for the up coming week. However, at times I still found it difficult to go about my day without my technology. First, I found myself constantly feeling around my pockets/ looking around for my phone because I am so used to having with me at all times. The other thing I found difficult was not using my laptop. To be honest, before this experiment I would never consider myself that dependent on my laptop, but during these hours I found myself constantly wanting to check my email or Facebook or any other social media site I use. And though I faced some struggles, I also found these hours every rewarding. I was able to get lots of reading done which I usually struggle with because I am constantly checking my phone. Also, I was able to see just how much our society is dependent on our technology. For example, my roommate and I decided we would take a small nap before we headed to the library for a few hours and as I laid there I could see her scrolling away at her phone until she fell asleep. Overall, this experiment taught me that our society is so dependent on technologies, and that sometimes we literally don’t feel okay without our mass media technologies. Though I don’t want to admit it, I too felt empty and lost without my technologies, even if it was for eight hours.

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