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The efficiency of a products operation in the market can be determined by various philosophy’s.One of the predisposed matters is the potential influence of TQM and QC.TQM is the kind of supervision that deals with the entire organizations errands correspondent to its products/deliveries and services (Jain, P. L. (2001). TQM oversees the enrichment of a certain product for its extensive improvement when it gets to the final stage which is eventually released to the public.TQM incursion was initially thought to have been invented from Japan but actually it was the USA who did (Sashkin, M., & Sashkin, M. (1993). TQM was discovered by W.Edwards Deming and Its roots serviced the continent since the 1920s when statistical theory was first introduced to quality control. QC (quality control) on the other hand was the ultimate final process affected to a product before it was set for the market or shipped to customers (Jain, P. L. (2001).There were many discrepancies that saw some of the products which had initially been through the QC stage ending up in bins meaning that they did not convene to the consumer’s prospect and prior demands.This was a great failure to all potential investors and marketers who got interested in the product as it stripped them off their profits. A resolution had to be made to avoid all these and that’s where TQM had to intervene to salvage the whole situation in the industry as reputation was really depreciating not to mention the effects on the economy. In lieu with the TQC demands there are factors that accelerate the philosophy’s effectiveness in consideration to the government of Malysia.There are crucial principles to be meet starting with the constant purpose. This demands the incursion of new skills of training, new or better raw materials and adherent methods of production all this is ensure a proper final product. The Malaysian companies small or big need to adapt to some of these principles in order to enhance productivity and quality of their products. Malaysian companies should change their product slogans. This is relevant as the product is given another chance to prowess in the market depreciating from the earlier product. The work standards in Malaysia should be improved to enhance he willingness of their staff to oversee the products growth rapidly also make the employer employee relationship better which in hand extends to consumer. The companies also should employ trained staff from renown institutions who will I turn bring vibrant ideas which will see the products market and condition grow rapidly. The appreciation of staff is really ignored but socially improves the workmanship in the company. Some of the Malaysian companies have many and incompatible barriers which see a product pass through very many stages which advance the costs of the product to the consumer. The companies should also follow TQC philosophy appreciate it and find adequate means to improve it in lieu with the standards of Malaysian people. The companies should also reduce the dependence of inspection as final resolution of approval of a finished product.

Jain, P. L. (2001). Quality control and total quality management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
Malaysia. (1900). The Civil Service of Malaysia: (improvements and development in the Civil Service of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Government of Malaysia.
Sashkin, M., & Sashkin, M. (1993). Putting total quality management to work: What TQM means, how to use it, & how to sustain it over the long run. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
University Microfilms International. (1986). Japanese technical abstracts. Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, Japanese Technical Information Service.

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