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Marie Lu Legend

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A world of rebellion and support for a demonic Republic can easily make a standoff in any novel. Each side has their own viewpoint, and the mindsets are crucial to any storyline or plot. Within a Republic or rebellion, outspoken people are created which can ignite a vicious feud between the two sides. Because it is a true work of art, Legend by Marie Lu contains many elements that develop the story and plot to its maximum level. Literary devices are used intricately by Marie Lu in Legend and the effect born forms many conflicts between two contrasting characters, but it gives a higher level of excitement and understanding of the plot to the reader since the reader gets to see each character’s problems in the theme. First of all, conflicts …show more content…
After June reveals Day, she is able to hold his family hostage. Day finds this out too late and shoots himself in the foot by turning himself in to possibly save his family. Marie Lu writes, “The captain lifts his gun and points it at my mother. Then he shoots her in the head,” (Lu 158). Knowing what is going on inside Day’s mind before this occurrence made the tragic moment so much more eye-widening. While Day is imprisoned, June actually opens her eyes into Day’s perspective and understands the harshness of the Republic. The turning point comes up as she decides to break Day out of confinement which is a challenge considering Day has lost all of his hope. Because of the two viewpoints that want the same cause, the plot thickens heavily and becomes highly interesting. To explain, Day is in the gutters while June has a new sense of freshness, and the point of views help the reader understand why the characters act the way they do. A doctor quoted, “‘Agent Iparis (June) ordered me to fix up your leg. Apparently we’re not allowed to let you die before your formal execution,’” (Lu 206). From Day’s standpoint, it is obvious how harshly he is treated, but June understands the Republic now and knows what is right. Obviously, the point of view plays a huge role in making the story exciting and a fruitful read for the …show more content…
From Day’s perspective, the reader sees the evilness of the government and the life of a criminal. However, Day steals for good, such as medicine for his family. When Day is caught and chained up, he is weaker than ever. Hopeless, exhausted, and scared are not even close to how he must have been feeling. June is obviously indifferent when she tells her side of the story, because she has been with the “good guys” for as long as she could count, but maybe they are not that “ good” under a microscope. Before Day’s identity went public and June wanted to kill him, their everyday problems were shown to the reader. The novel includes the line from June’s perspective, “He doesn't shoot soldiers. He doesn't attempt assassinations. He doesn't kill,” (Lu 49). June’s brother was killed, and this triggered the whole line of her wanting a vengeance on Day; having problems like this helps develop the theme of good versus evil, and it forces other problems in the novel. Long story short, the everyday issues were affected by simple choices in the novel such as whose eyes the reader was reading

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