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Media During The Progressive Era Essay

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A larger theme that this image describes is the advancement and sue of media. During the progressive era, newspapers were a method in how people shared information and their opinions with others. In fact, the Progressives took advantage of this and learned how to effectively use publicity such as newspapers to advertise and spread their influence to others. This skill could be demonstrated in the image above, which is an article by The New York Times which covers a parade for women suffrage in October of 1915. Another media that the Progressives and other reform groups like the Populist used were books. Some of these books such as The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum demonstrate how they presented and used this …show more content…
The invention of FM enabled music such as this to be shared with the public. This advancement also lead to the development of television or the transmission of images. This advancement impacted politics in a different manner. An example of how television impacted politics was the debate between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy during the 1960s. This debate was broadcasted live through both television and radio allowing civilians to become involved from the comfort of their home. Currently, media has adapted a new form that has become mostly digital. With the easy access of mobile devices and computers, as the new generation we look for our news online either through phone applications or an internet browser. Radio talk shows are also now available online through apps or eve through podcasts in which we can listen from almost anywhere as long as you have connection to internet and a mobile device. Media has evolved to transmit both information and opinions faster and to larger ranges of people through the developments of the radio, television and mobile devices. However, with these advancements, we have also created new problems we face about the media and how it is

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