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Media Plan


Submitted By indubundella
Words 1501
Pages 7
ediMedia Planning & Research - Presentation Transcript
Media Planning & Research Client: Intrigue Visuals PowerPoint slides are crafted by ziqq.
Media Planning
“ What are the best means of delivering advertisements to prospective purchasers of my brand or service?”
Media Plan
Media Objectives
Target Audience Analysis
Media Selection Rationale
Creative Media Options
Media Strategy
IntrigueVisuals is a production house dealing in the services of photography,design,3D animation and video.
Objective of this campaign?
IV has no brand name
The market is saturated
They have a portfolio but no where to showcase it
IV has no extensive network to reach out to for jobs
To create awareness about Intrigue Visuals (IV) Based on these insights:
Target Audience?
People who have interest in the Arts, more specifically photography.
Different Mediums Print TV Internet Radio Outdoor Client’s pick Is this the best medium for this campaign?
Is it the BEST medium?
How do we gauge which is the BEST medium for this campaign?
We have to look into:
1) Which is the most suitable and effective medium for our targeted audience
2) We have to consider criteria such as budget and time for production for each medium use
Media and their characteristics
Reaches potential customers close to point of sale
Communication can be quick and simple
Repetition easy in high-traffic areas
Short message may limit creative breadth
Despoiling the landscape; may earn public’s enmity
Legal restrictions
One-one communication
Heavy users receive heavy exposure
High-income audience
Interactivity-personal involvement of audience
Cost is high
Easy to ignore
TA have to have a CPU and internet
Tedious steps to get to the message (switching on computer, logging in, going to the

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