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Midlife Crisis


Submitted By bosslady82
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Midlife Crisis
Dalia Brown
November 11, 2013
Dr. Jody Pendleton

Mid-life Crisis
As individuals get older his or her emotions and wisdom become more mature. It is a view that mid-life crisis occurs when an individual realizes that he or she is halfway through his or her life. Mid-life crisis is a state of different emotions, such as anxiety and depression. Individuals experiencing mid-life crisis begin to look at life different. Mid-life crisis can last a minimum of three years and some experience as long as 10 years. This crisis typically begins between the age of 35 and 60. During this time people experiencing mid-life begin to think about his or her life, and they things that he or she have accomplished along with the things he or she has failed to accomplish. At this time he or she may decide to set new goals and begin to exhibit different behaviors. Individuals experiencing mid-life crisis place a certain value on his or her life. Williams, (2008) stated, “ The crisis period of an individuals life is a reflection of flaw in the development of an individuals ego at the time of his or her childhood.” In this paper is a summary of mid-life crisis and how it is a normal stage in one’s life. This paper will provide indicators and exhibited symptoms of mid-life crisis. There will also be information on ways to avoid mid-life crisis, sex during mid-life crisis and the experience of mid-life in men and women.
Mid-Life Crisis Mid-life crisis is a term used to descript a period in an individual’s life when he or she begins to notice he or she has met the halfway mark in life. At this point individuals begin to take drastic measures in his or her life and harp on his or her inability to accomplish set goals. Mid-life crisis is caused not only by one’s environment, but it also can be one’s personality that he or she is conflicting with. In this situation it is important that an individual accept his or her own personality. Midlife does not have to be a horrible and depressing time of life. To some mid-life is a celebration and it often times can be referred to as mid-life transition. During mid-life crisis or mid-life transition people tend to act outrageous and doing things that do not seem practical to the next individual. According to Doheny (2005-2013), crisis or transition tends to occur during a significant life event.
Normal Stage of Life Adults go through life stages. Some of the life stages are positive and some of them may be negative; however it depends on the individual and what he or she may be experiencing. For many people the structure of his or her life tends to be relevantly simple. It involves his or her family and his or her career. There are three stages to mid-life crisis or mid-life transition, which are separation, liminality and re-integration, (Kristin, 1999-2013). Mid-life crisis or transition tends to have an influence on adults to begin to act life children and present his or herself as different individuals depending on the situation and who is around. When individuals present his or her self as different people in different situations, it takes more time and energy, which results in a difficult process. During this time of mid-life crisis or transition and individual begins to question his or her identity, which results in a separation of one’s true self that represents the stage of liminality. At this time, the individual transitions to the new individual.
Indicators or Symptoms of Mid-life Mid-life can be difficult for many people however it could be a positive transition for others. The support from a spouse or other family and loved ones can help make the mid-life transition delightful. People experiencing mid-life crisis can fall into a deep depression if left lonely and without support. The depression symptoms are not always noticeable. Some people may be depressed and not even know it. Symptoms of depression may include lack of sleep, loss of appetite, and change in mood. Other symptoms of mid-life consist of anxiety, moodiness, irritable, impatient, and loss of interest. Some individuals experiencing mid-life tend to find a new hobby because of lack of interest in previous hobbies. Mid-life has affected people in a negative way such as attempting to commit suicide or committing suicide because he or she believe there are no solutions to his or her problems.
Avoiding Mid-life Crisis The "Psychology Today" (2002-2013) website defined that midlife crisis occurs when we find that the convictions that had supported our world view during the earlier stages of life are no longer admissible and so an individual no longer knows what to think. Crisis begins when an individual is faced with a situation and he or she cannot shake the situation. The main way to avoid mid-life crisis is to deal with real life situations opposed to the situations that he or she perceives is real. Individuals should live life as simple as possible without the chaotic behaviors and events that may cause one to become overwhelmed. Individuals experiencing mid-life crisis should only focus on the important things. Things that do not matter should not be an issue. People should accept situations as a part of life whether good or bad. Maintaining a good and healthy relationship with his or her spouse is another positive way to avoid mid-life crisis.
Women and Mid-life Women in mid-life begin to experience a change in the body. Women begin to experience a natural transformation called menopause, which is the permanent ending of menstruation. There are three stages of menopause, pre-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause. This is a process that all women will undergo. Women experiencing mid-life may also have a change in behavior where she will make sudden choices based on an impulsive behavior. Women tend to purchase things that she may not need and splurge on things of her interest. Many times spending money is a coping mechanism with feeling empty because of the changes that may have occurred in her life. Women also experience changes in her sexual relationship. This can be caused because of depression and anxiety, which are both associated with mid-life crisis. On the other hand some women begin to focus on her looks and trying to remain looking young. As a result some women will seek plastic surgery and implants. Mid-life is not the end of life for women although many women believe that to be true. Women must come to the understanding that mid-life is just another phase of life.
Men and Mid-life Mid-life is a time when a man’s life is developing whether it is good or bad, but it is what he makes of it. For men experiencing mid-life crisis or transition typically manifests making big purchases, such as a motorcycle or a boat. Men tend to find a younger female friend who can keep him on his feet. On the flipside the down to men experiencing mid-life crisis or transition is he begins to experience other symptoms such as lack of sleep, change in appearance, and loss of libido. Men go through a hormonal change, which results in lack of holding an erection and a decrease interest in sexual relations.
Mid-life crisis or mid-life transition can be a positive or negative change, depending on the individual and his or her ability to accept the changes that his or her body may be experiencing. Maintaining a positive outlook on solving problems as they arise will help with the mid-life transition. People must focus on living simple lives and lives that make them happy, thus focusing on trying to make an impression on another individual. Ultimately people experiencing mid-life crisis or transition must strive to be themselves and identify with the real person he or she is opposed to the person he or she is trying to portray no matter who objects to his or her persona.

Menopause. (2005-2013). Retrieved from
Jones, T. L. (2010, November). Women Midlife Crisis-Signs of Midlife. Ezine Articles, (), 1.
Kristin, J. (1999-2013). Midlife and Men. Retrieved from
Menopause. (2005-2013). Retrieved from
William, E. (2008). International Encyclopedia of Social Services (2nd ed.). Gale, : .

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