Premium Essay



Submitted By rajshreesharma
Words 3304
Pages 14

Introduction - 5 -

Leadership - 6 -

Transformation - 8 -

Innovation - 9 -

3-Bias Theory - 10 -

Conclusion - 13 -

References - 14 -


❖ Book (Non-Fiction) – Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game

❖ Author - Michael Lewis

❖ Publication Year - 2003

❖ Key Learnings – Leadership, Innovation, Change Management, Organizational Culture, Risk-taking, Transformation, Strategising

❖ Synopsis – The book is about a US baseball team, Oakland Athletics and its performance in the year 2002. It is a real-life account of how despite financial constraints, the protagonist, Billy Beane assembles a strong baseball team using innovative techniques and strategies. It is the story of how Billy Beane changed the organizational culture of his organization, and influenced that of his competitors’. He re-invented a system that was working for years.

Beane and his assistant concluded that by hiring under-valued players, it was possible to win with less than 40% of the budget of their competitors. They applied analytical, evidence-based, sabermetric approach and thus selected a competitive team. As a result, in the 2001-02 season, the team struck an all-time record with a 20 game-winning streak.

Exposing himself and his team to ridicule, how he ignored his detractors and went ahead with his unorthodox strategies to ultimately achieve the winning combination, forms the crux of the book.

❖ Why this book? – The book has been selected to show how good leaders function, that risk-taking, innovation and sometimes even a dramatic overhaul of organizational culture can really bring fruitful results.


Many organisations hold on to tradition and history, and hence find it difficult to adapt to changing times. It takes a

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Money Ball

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