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Most of the Operations Management Exam


Submitted By dirtydiaper
Words 988
Pages 4
The Wilcox Student Health Centre has just implemented a new computer system and service process to "improve efficiency". As pharmacy manager, you are concerned about waiting time and its potential impact on college students who "get no respect".

Question 7: What is Six Sigma’s problem solving approach? (5 marks) Write your answer in the box provided below.
Generally, Six Sigma is a problem-solving methodology that helps enhance business and organizational operations. It can also be defined in a number of other ways: a quality level of 3.4 defects per million opportunities, a rate of improvement of 70 percent or better, a data-driven, problem-solving methodology named (DMAIC) of Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control, and an initiative taken on by organizations to create bottom-line breakthrough change. It provides a basis of improvement into an organization for them to follow and increase efficiency or reach outstanding quality and operational goals that could not have been met beforehand.

List the MRP inputs and outputs. Why does an MRP require a BOM?
MRP inputs would be a finished good production schedule (total amount of finished goods ordered), as well as lead time for each sub-assembly/individual or dependant part(s) for delivery from time when ordered, current inventories, lot size restricted to or agreed to upon ordering,
MRP works backward from a production plan for finished goods to develop requirements for components and raw materials. MRP begins with a schedule for finished goods that is converted into a schedule of requirements for the subassemblies, the component parts, and the raw materials needed to produce the final product within the established schedule. The primary output of an MRP system is a time-phased report that gives; the purchasing department a schedule for obtaining raw materials and

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